



            The public hearing for the proposed law titled Raising and Keeping Chickens was opened by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:04 p.m.  Those present for the hearing were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Amy Reinshagen and Gordy Key, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Chief of Waste Water Richi Horne, and John and Kim Whritner.  The public hearing was closed by Mayor Kaufman at 6:30 p.m.

            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Kaufman at 6:30 p.m.  Those present were all who attended the public hearing except for John and Kim Whritner, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Andy Acker from the Delaware County Planning Department, Andrew Flach and Kristina Zill.        

            Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen reported to the Board that they have been busy vacuuming leaves and put the sander on the flatbed.  They have serviced the trucks and painted one of the snowplows and serviced the snow blower.  The four wheel drive isn’t working in the Dodge truck.  Mayor Kaufman told McMullen to take it to a Dodge dealer.  The 97 Ford’s plow will need a new pump eventually.  After discussion, the Board decided to table it for now.  McMullen stated the shocks on that truck are shot as well.  The shocks would be about $400.  The Board agreed to have him purchase shocks for the truck. 

            Chief of Waste Water Richi Horne reported to the Board that they had an inspection of the tanks and it was recommended that they seal the edges of each plate in the future.  The hazardous waste at the facility went to clean sweep, and the rotating assembly for the sludge pumps is here – it was ordered in February.  The mud well was pumped out.  It had never been pumped out before.  The SK receiving tank was pumped out as well.  They pulled manholes and found there was I/I by the Pillars.   She contacted Boyle’s to look at it and he fixed it while he was there.  They have been replacing bulbs and ballasts at the plant too.  She stated all employees attended a CPR/AED refresher course and the liquid line started up again at Mallinckrodt.  Regarding the water plant, Horne stated Muthig’s Plumbing and Heating temporarily replaced an air line and will be giving a quote to replace the whole air line.  She stated she contacted Francois Vedier of Lamont Engineers and he said he is still working on the emergency grant application.

            Andrew Flach stated the Holiday Fair is on the 9th of December and Julie Rockefeller is in charge of it.  In regard to the community fitness idea, Flach stated he is in the process of securing matching funds for equipment for the reading room.  Questions regarding cleaning of the equipment and insurance were brought up. 

            The October Treasurer’s report was reviewed by the Board.  A motion to accept the report with the following changes was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  In the Water Fund, transfer $692.00 from 1990 to 8320.4-4; transfer $1377.65 from 8340.4 to 8340.4-2; transfer $78.00 from 1990 to 8340.4-7.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $1.25 from 1990 to 8130.2-35.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.  Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  In regard to the property off of Reservoir Road, Mayor Kaufman read an email from Rod Jones stating the status on marking the trees and putting the timber sale out to bid.  In regard to a police officer, after a brief discussion Mayor Kaufman stated he would try one more time and attend another Town of Stamford meeting.   Kristina Zill asked the Board if they would pass the benchmarking resolution.  The Board briefly reviewed the resolution number 5 of 2018 and passed it unanimously with all ayes.  Ms. Zill continued by asking the Village Board to pass a unified solar permit application which she handed to them.  After some review by Village Attorney Hubbard it was decided that it could not be passed tonight without some more review. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman gave the floor to Andy Acker of the Delaware County Planning Board.  He stated that FEMA requires the Hazardous Mitigation plan be updated every 5 years.  An annex is specific to each town or village and the plan just needs to be adopted with changes, if any.  The Board agreed unanimously to pass resolution number 4 of 2018 with all ayes to do so.  In regard to Mallinckrodt having the community center as their evacuation location, the Board did not see any issue with it.  They asked Clerk-Treasurer Estus to find out if security would need to obtain a key for the building.  In regard to rental space, Project Independence is looking for storage space at the Activity Center.  The office in mind was last rented at $250/month.  Andrew said he would relay the amount to them and go from there.  In regard to the proposed local law of raising and keeping chickens all three Board members said yes to pass the law as written. 

            A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 6 was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried. 

General Fund              Voucher No. 134-166             $18,786.49

Water Fund                 Voucher No. 78-99                 $12,684.60

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 90-116               $21,180.74

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 102-131             $  6,554.58

            A motion to close the meeting at 8:04 p.m. was made by Mayor Kaufman with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus


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