
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                                MAY 18, 2020


            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was held in a Zoom meeting due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:32 p.m. Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Gordy Key, Jim Quarino and Kayla Mason, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus and Cody Hager.  Mayor Kaufman stated he did not have any department head reports.  A motion to accept the April Treasurer’s Report with the following changes was made by Trustee Quarino with a second from Trustee Mason, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $55.30 from 1325.4-2 to 1325.4-4; transfer $78.27 from 1620.4-4 to 1325.4; transfer $1475.00 from 1620.4-4 to 1620.1-3; transfer $1443.78 from 1620.4-A to 1620.4-1; transfer $101.95 from 1910-F to 1620.4-2; transfer $38.36 from 1620.4-3 to 1620.4; transfer $1953.00 from 1990 to 1910-D; transfer $10.00 from 1620.4-3 to 1910-E; transfer $250.00 from 5110.1-4 to 3410.4-7.  In the Water Fund, transfer $9.31 from 8340.4-10 to 8310.4-4; transfer $177.00 from 8340.4-7 to 8320.1-5.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $98.46 from 1910-3 to 8110.1; transfer $5.51 from 1910-3 to 8130.1-2; transfer $621.00 from 8130.4-27 to 8130.4-11; transfer $300.42 from 8130.4-33 to 8130.4-3; transfer $5981.30 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.4-4.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $187.48 from 8130.4-1; transfer $4633.54 from 8130.4-39 to 8130.4-3; transfer $4708.86 from 8130.4-9 to 8130.4-4.  A motion to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried.

            In old business, regarding the water plant upgrade, Mayor Kaufman stated there was a Bond Counsel resolution that needed to be passed and that a source of water loss had been found at the water plant by Superintendent McMullen.  The subject of Police Officer was tabled.  Regarding the policy and procedure book, Mayor Kaufman reiterated that when the meeting can be held normally he will have copies to pass out for review of the Board.  Training is still being looked into.  The Comprehensive Plan is being worked on and it was suggested by Trustee Quarino to work on 2 sections (D and E) a month per Board member and then discuss at the next meeting.  Regarding annual physicals, the Board continued to discuss the pros and cons of this and will look into it further.  In regard to the HAC, Mayor Kaufman stated the two new tenants are very satisfied at their new locations.  He is still receiving positive information from Headstart regarding renting space in the future. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated a Bond Counsel Resolution needed to be passed, stating in the resolution it authorized improvements to the Village water system at the maximum estimated cost not to exceed $705,000.  It would authorize the issuance of serial bonds of the Village of Hobart in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $300,000 and pursuant to the local finance law it would finance said purpose and delegate the power to issue bond anticipation note in anticipation of the sale of such bonds to the Village Treasurer.  The resolution was put to vote on a roll call with all four members of the Board voting aye, with no nays.  A motion to pass Resolution No. 6 of 2020 was made by Trustee Quarino with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.  In regard to the road work update Mayor Kaufman said he has now received another quote since the last Board meeting.  At the last meeting, the Board agreed to pursue the cold patch mix from Suit Kote Corporation rather than go with hot mix paving due to price.  The company Tri-City out of Binghamton put in a bid for hot mix paving which would include milling of the roads for a total of $133,000.  This would be for Maple Avenue, River Street, a portion of Pine Street and a section of the front of the sewer plant parking lot.  After some discussion the Board agreed to have Tri City do the road work.  Mayor Kaufman asked the Board about reopening the Village.  After discussion it was decided that the Fire Department can resume meetings as long as social distancing is practiced.  The park will reopen with the same protocol – that social distancing has to be practiced.  The pavilion bathroom will remain closed until further notice.  The Village Community Center and Activity Center will remain closed to the public until further notice.  A small Memorial Day service was discussed and the Board decided to have a speaker and few veterans for a small service at 9 a.m. on Memorial Day at the Community Center park.  Signage will go out if this event becomes possible to do.  The Board discussed and agreed to have the June Board meeting in the Community Center as long as there are no setbacks with reopening things and social distancing was practiced.   It was also suggested to have it also be a  Zoom meeting so if there were more than 10 people attending, anyone over the 10 count could attend the Zoom live instead.   The Board unanimously agreed to have Mayor Kaufman sign the bills for the month.  Those bills are as follows on Abstract No.. 12.


General Fund                Voucher No.346-373                 $5499.15

Water Fund                  Voucher No.211-228                 $3932.01

Sewer Fund                  Voucher No. 241-253                $2093.36

NYC Fund                    Voucher No. 274-289                $39,746.85


Clerk-Treasurer Estus will send pictures of the abstracts to the Board members through email for their review.  A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m. was made by Trustee Mason with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus


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