
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                             JUNE 15, 2020



The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Trustees was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:30 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Jim Quarino and Amy Reinshagen, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Christine Kaufman, Cody Hager and Rosie Lamport.  Superintendent McMullen reported to the Board that the crew has been tearing out storm drains and mowing lawns.  He stated the summer help will be starting the week of the 22nd.  The Board reviewed the May Treasurer’s Report.  A motion to accept the report with the following attached changes was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Quarino with all in favor, carried.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried. 

            In old business, regarding the water upgrade, Mayor Kaufman stated a conference call regarding the test well would be the next step.  If the test well works, that would be the actual well, another one would not have to be drilled.  The Board agreed to move forward.  Regarding the Comprehensive Plan, Trustee Quarino stated that he didn’t feel sections A and B needed any changes.  C and D will be addressed at the next Board meeting.  Mayor Kaufman tabled the topic of physicals as Trustee Mason was going to look into getting some information on them.  Regarding the Activity Center, Mayor Kaufman stated the new tenants are still happy.  In regard to the road work, that is scheduled to begin at the end of June.  Regarding the culvert repair on Maple Avenue, Mayor Kaufman stated he was in touch with a company that has a balloon type repair where it would mold to the existing pipe.  It doesn’t disturb the stream and no excavation would need to be done. Regarding reopening the Village, the Board agreed the employees need to go back to regular shifts.  Plexiglass will be ordered for the Village Clerk’s office.  At the HAC, cards can be activated again and the work out group and rentals of the gym can begin again, following Covid-19 guidelines.  A letter from a resident requesting a break on a portion of their sewer side of their water and sewer bill due to a leak and fill of a hot tub was read.  The Board agreed to allow this.  There was no new business on the agenda.  Mayor Kaufman opened the floor to community participation.  Rosie Lamport asked if there was anything the Village could do regarding the placement of some people that are coming into the Village and staying at rental buildings in the Village.   She stated there was a tent just off the rail trail and individuals were drinking and cat-calling at her while she was on a run.  She stated the trail isn’t safe.  There are people openly drinking in public areas.  She stated she has looked the people up and they all have records. There have been a few instances of public intoxication at the park as well.  This brought up the topic of a police officer for the Village again.  More police presence would deter the troublemakers from getting comfortable and hanging around the area.  Meeting with the Town of Stamford was discussed again as well.  Cody Hager asked about having his pool filled.  He stated he had spoke to the Stamford Fire Department – they are filling pools as a courtesy for people since the public pools are closed.  They are not able to come to Hobart.  Mayor Kaufman stated he would speak to Josh Mason regarding a fire hydrant fill.  A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 1 was made by Trustee Reinshagen with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor. 


            General Fund              Voucher No. 1-25                   $8,697.31

            Water Fund                 Voucher No. 1-15                   $3201.07

            Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 1-18                   $2975.45

            Water Fund                 Voucher No. 1-22                   $9851.11



            A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 p.m. was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kellee J. Estus




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