
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                             MAY 16, 2016


            The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:27 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Gordy Key, Jim Quarino and Charlie Reinshagen, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer, Fire Chief Josh Mason, Andrew Flach, Kelly Chien and James Barr III.  The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the Board.  A motion to accept the report with the following changes was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Hotaling, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $204.58 from 1620.4 to 1325.4; transfer $142.09 from 1620.4 to 1620.4(HAC); transfer $5.00 from 4540.4-5 to 4540.4-4; transfer $12.49 from 5142.4-2 to 5142.4.  In the Water Fund, transfer $34.15 from1990 to 1910.1; transfer $188.73 from 1990 to 8320.1-4; transfer $34.97 from 1990 to 8310.4-4; transfer $1112.07 from 1990 to 8320.4-1; transfer $234.00 from 1990 to 8320.4-1A; transfer $15.00 from 1990 to 8340.4-3; transfer $521.61 from 1990 to 8340.4; transfer $6.40 from 1990 to 9060.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $16.64 from 8120.4 to 8130.1-2; transfer $13.49 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-10; transfer $621.00 from 8120.4 to 8130.4-11; transfer 1246.87 from 8120.1 to 8130.4-12; transfer $15.97 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-13; transfer $1374.16 from 8120.1 to 8130.4-15.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $13.44 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-10; transfer $279.00 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-11; transfer $608.94 from 8130.2-8 to 8130.4-12; transfer $595.70 from 8130.4-3 to 8130.4-4; transfer $64.78 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-5; transfer $122.42 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-6.   A motion to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.

            Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen gave the water report to the Board stating there have been communication problems with Eklund Well.  Verizon has been working on it and it is fixed hopefully for good.  They have still had some water meter installations here and there but are now at a bit of a stand still.  Mayor Kaufman said to begin knocking on doors for the remaining meters and if that doesn’t work, the owner will receive a letter.  Superintendent McMullen stated the water main valves have all been cleaned out and he plans on exercising them.  They have been sweeping streets to prepare for the street sweeper from Delhi to come and sweep the Village streets.  Superintendent McMullen stated he passed his test for Grade B Water Treatment Plant Operator Certification and the Department of Health will be out on May 26th to go through the Water Plant with him before his license will be issued.  The crew will be finishing up the trash day tomorrow and flushing hydrants on the 31st.  Trustee Hotaling questioned why Eklund Well was being manually turned on and off, and it being when overtime would be acquired.  The Board discussed that it did not have to be done after hours.  Mayor Kaufman stated the problem had been addressed, and will not happen again. 

            Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer reported to the Board that there were EQ problems last Friday that had been fixed by AquaLogics.  The panel died on Saturday and AquaLogics had to come out again.  Reightmyer said they’ll have to wait and see if there will be any more problems.  Mallinckrodt has requested an extension until June for their sewer use permit as they are having issues with the new building.  Mayor Kaufman said it was okay.  Reightmyer stated the compressor for the press keeps kicking out the heaters.  He said they could get repair parts or get a new compressor.  He had two quotes for new which were $16,514 or $12,538 and according to Reightmyer, either one would be fine.  Quotes to repair with new parts were $11,000 and $8,800.   The split would be 50/50 between the Village and NYC.  Trustee Hotaling made a motion to get the new one at $12,538 with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried. The Board questioned Reightmyer on if installation was included and upon review it was determined that the quote did not include that in the price.  Reightmyer will find out how much the installation will be.  Reightmyer asked the Board if the Ford 450 truck could be set up to use the sludge trailer.  He reported to the Board that they have a lateral replacement candidate.  Property owner Sal Bertolini keeps having problems at his Main Street location. 

            Andrew Flach stated he would like to thank the Village crew for putting up the Farmer’s Market sign as it will begin on June 3rd.  He asked if there was a date for the installation of the bench as he is being asked by Rotary for an update. Superintendent McMullen stated it is projected to be installed in June.   

            Kelly Chien stated he has looked into security cameras for the Village.  He said they could be connected into volunteer’s internet connections with one central computer having all of the pictures available.  The cost would be $4000 for 10 cameras for 10 years of operation.  Mayor Kaufman stated Town of Stamford Supervisor Mike Triolo wanted to work on receiving grant money for this purchase.  The idea will be explored further. 

            Fire Chief Josh Mason reported to the Board that two ambulances had been serviced and winterized.  Eklund’s didn’t charge for the labor or the oil as a donation to the fire department.  Chief Mason questioned if the Village had DEF (diesel exhaust fuel) or urea that would be needed for the new ambulance.  Questions came up on the shelf life of the fuel and whether it goes bad.  Chief Mason asked if new windshield wipers could be purchased for the new ambulance and Mayor Kaufman said yes.  Chief Mason questioned the pole in the grass behind the community center.  Mayor Kaufman stated it would be taken care of before Memorial Day.  Chief Mason asked for a head count for the Fireman’s Dinner on Saturday night.  In regard to truck #1812, Trustee Hotaling stated he had spoken with Village Attorney Hubbard regarding the invoices received and it was Attorney Hubbard’s suggestion to pay for the parts, not the labor.  It was also suggested to dispute the Detroit bill.  A motion to follow the advice of Attorney Hubbard was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.

            James Barr III. questioned when the crew was coming back to fix the lawn problems from the lateral installations as his lawn was still in need of repair.  It will be looked into as no one has heard definitely.  Barr also asked the Village if they would consider getting a pyrotechnic license for fireworks.  The idea was discussed briefly.

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  In regard to the refuse service, no new ideas were presented and it was tabled.  In regard to the WWTP employee, the Board agreed on next Tuesday, May 24th beginning at 6 p.m. for interviews.  In regard to the Community Center construction project, Mayor Kaufman stated the crew would begin at the end of May, early June. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with the SPDES permit stating the Village will write a letter to Theresa Diesner of DEC stating that we are withdrawing from the ajudicatory hearing and signing the permit.  In regard to the SK Fire District, no representatives were present, so it was tabled.  Mayor Kaufman stated the Board would hold off on discussing employee hours.  In regard to the water requests, Mayor Kaufman read the email from Angamuthu Pugazendhi, the new owner of 667 Main Street regarding his water and sewer bill.  The house is vacant and the water was shut off in the beginning of January.  It is believed that the final reading before the cellular meter installation was incorrect.  The Board agreed to waive the additional charges on his bill.  Donna Muthig requested to not be charged for their water to the barn anymore as they no longer have horses there or any use for the water.  The Board agreed to stop charging them for that account.  The account is for water only. 

            Trustee Hotaling stated he was approached regarding the Village of Hobart Board meeting conflicting with the SKCS Board meeting.  Both are held on the 3rd Monday of the month.  The Village had moved their night specifically for the Village Attorney to be able to attend meetings.  The idea of changing the date was tabled until the Board can speak with Attorney Hubbard.  Andrew Flach asked if there were any thoughts from the Board on economic development.  Trustee Quarino suggested a harvest festival in the late September, early October months.  Trustee Quarino also stated he had more information regarding the basketball court.  He said it could be resurfaced and a multi-use court could be constructed next to the basketball court.  He stated that not all children play basketball.  The multi-use court would help with this.   He also thought it would be good to get kids to help out with this project.  Trustee Quarino talked about the idea of charging memberships for the use of the Activity Center gym and make it like a Boys and Girls Club.  During the winter months, the groups could be split up by age and the reading room could be opened as well to provide WiFi for those not interested in playing.  Volunteer adults could rotate on overseeing the groups.  Andrew Flach mentioned Rotary helping with scholarships for kids.

            In regard to the County Foreclosure Action against LCM Landscapes for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 taxes, Trustee Hotaling made a motion to go ahead with the County, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to go into executive session due to employee issues was made by Mayor Kaufman at 7:44 p.m.    A motion to close the executive session and open the regular meeting back up at 8:24 p.m. was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract #12 was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.

General Fund                Voucher #338-369                   $10,721.60

Water Fund                  Voucher #188-200                   $  2,461.60

Sewer Fund                  Voucher #306-327                   $  7,856.73

NYC Fund                   Voucher #276-298                   $22,297.57

            Clerk-Treasurer Estus asked the Board if the employee evaluations could be implemented.  She believes it boosts work incentive.  She also asked if the employees could have meetings of their own once a month to create better communication.  The Board agreed to this and Mayor Kaufman stated Superintendent McMullen could provide a report to the Board meetings when and if needed.

            A motion to close the meeting at 8:30 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Hotaling, with all in favor, carried.


Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus




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