

               The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Jim Quarino, Amy Reinshagen, Gordy Key and Kayla Mason, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Tee Gould, Ashley Palmatier, Andrew Flach, Mary Van Valkenburg, Don Thomases, James Barr III and Cody Hager. 

            Superintendent McMullen reported to the Board that the crew had been vacuuming leaves and fixed manholes on River Street.  He stated the contact tank at the water plant would be cleaned tomorrow.  He also stated that Brent Trimbell is interested in buying some of the millings.

            Chief Operator Horne reported to the Board that the crew had cleaned, scraped and painted the lift station.  They received high flows from SK, which ended up being a tank had a sensor malfunction.  The outdoor blowers were serviced and she said that when the storm came, they never lost power but had a lot of blips.  She also stated the turbidimeters were calibrated.  Andrew Flach asked if the Farmer’s Market sign could be taken down and put into storage along with the multiple bike racks that are in the Village.  He asked the Board to define what the economic committee was.

             The September Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the Board.  There were no suggested changes.  A motion to accept the report as presented was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Mason with all in favor, carried. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  Regarding the water plant upgrade, Mayor Kaufman stated the Village will get the up-front funding to start the well through a bond anticipation note.  The subject of police officer was tabled.   Regarding the updates to the policy/ procedure book, Mayor Kaufman stated the books are done and in the clerk’s office if the Board would like to view them.  Regarding the Comprehensive Plan, updating is still underway.  In regard to annual physicals, Mayor Kaufman stated the employees did get basic physicals since the last meeting and the Village will add hearing and pulmonary in the future.  Regarding HAC, Head Start is set up and still having upgrades done to meet requirements to get their license.  The Maple Avenue culvert will still be surveyed by Delaware County Soil and Water, just on the side that the property owners have given permission.  This way the engineering process will be able to keep going and not delay the project any more.

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated the pump issues at the water plant were causing the water levels to go way down.  They were not pumping efficiently.  Layne Christensen came out and replaced all three and took the three back to clean and keep as spares.  The company said they had never seen pumps that new fail like that.  They suggested when the upgrade happens, placing a filtration system before entering the tank to filtrate out the iron and manganese.  Mayor Kaufman asked the Board if they agreed to stay up on the pumps that were installed and have them cleaned so they don’t clog up.  The Board unanimously agreed to do so.  In regard to EMS issues, Mayor Kaufman stated EMS is failing everywhere around us.  He and Trustee Quarino attended a meeting with the Bloomville FD to discuss options.  Currently, the Hobart squad has 3 active EMTs.  Everything leans toward a paid service being the best option.  More meetings will be held regarding this.  Mayor Kaufman stated the Village has been having truck issues.  The flat bed is still running, the Dodge just had to be repaired at the tune of $8,000 and the sludge truck is not in very good shape.  The Village should consider looking at getting another used truck in the future.  Regarding the fire alarm systems, the current system at the Activity Center is not to code.  The company that Head Start uses came in to look at the current system.  It needs a new system.  That would cost about $25,000.  The Mayor asked the Board if they wanted to go ahead with getting a new system.  The Board unanimously agreed to do so.  In regard to foreclosures, it was discussed to provide the property owners that have back taxes an installment payment option to get up to date with their taxes and agree to stay current in the future.  October is Anti-Bullying Awareness month.  The Board agreed unanimously to pass resolution no. 7 of 2020 titled Recognizing October 2020 as Anti-Bullying Awareness Month.   

            Mayor Kaufman opened the floor to Community Participation.  Ashley Palmatier stated she had contacted Kellee to get a horn put on her water meter.  It didn’t get done and she wanted to know why.  The horn ended up with Jake and he took it.  Superintendent McMullen stated it was lost in translation and would be put on.  Mayor Kaufman stated there were 6 employees that should know how to install a horn not just Lucas and Dan but the horn would get put on.  She stated this was the one thing holding up getting back into her home.  This led to a discussion of frost plates, the cost and how $10 was too little of a charge for them as some owners have had multiple frost plates break due to not maintaining their water pipes.  Tee Gould stated he wanted to know what the fix would be for the run off that comes across his driveway.  He said he was   was going to do. After the Mayor asked Mr. Gould what he wanted the Board to do the discussion escalated into an argument and Mr. Gould walked out of the meeting.  No determination was made by the Board as with the guidance of the Village Attorney, this was not found to be the responsibility of the Village to fix private driveways and the Board should not set a precedent to do so.  A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 5 was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.


General Fund              Voucher No. 129-156             $14,382.85

Water Fund                 Voucher No. 67-79                 $  5,127.44

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 66-87                 $  4,478.28

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 80-104               $  8,539.67


A motion to go into executive session due to employee issues was made by Trustee Mason at 8:33p.m with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to come out of executive session at 9:00 p.m. was made by Mayor Kaufman with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  After some discussion, the Board agreed unanimously to put $13,500 up front to start up a gym at the Activity Center.  The idea is to provide it to the community at a membership cost and access would be 24/7 with a fob.  The gym will be in the current rec room.  The money will be recouped by memberships and donations.   A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus


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