VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                               JUNE 20, 2016


            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Charlie Reinshagen, Jim Quarino and Gordy Key, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer, Hobart Fire Chief Josh Mason, Andrew Flach, Mary Brockway and Dick Hatfield.  The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the Board.  A motion to accept the report with the following changes was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $34.55 from 1325.4-5 to 1325.1, $224.45 from 1620.1-3 to 1325.4, $349.09 from 1620.1-3 to 1620.1-2, $201.06 from 1620.4-A to 1620.4(HAC), $2895.00 from 1620.4-1 to 1910-D, $59.00 from 1910-G to 1910-E, $857.89 from 1620.4-1 to 3410.4-6, $375.00 from 1620.4-1 to 3410.4, $36.63 from 3410.4-7 to 5110.1-1, $391.12 from 3410.4-7 to 5110.1-2, $255.00 from 5142.1-3 to 5142.1-2, $122.67 from 7110.4-1 to 5182, $321.91 from 5142.4-1 to 7110.4, $247.44 from 9010.8 to 9030SS, $57.97 from 9010.8 to 9030med, and $65.01 from 9010.8 to 9060.  In the Water Fund, transfer $34.97 from 8160.4 to 8310.4-4, $106.22 from 8320.4-3 to 8320.1-2, $124.80 from 9010 to 8320.1-4, $513.46 from 9010 to 8320.4-1, and $725.30 from unexpended balance.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $16.44 from 8110.1 to 8130.1-1, $109.69 from 8130.1-3 to 8130.1-2, $40.94 from 8130.4-15 to 8130.4-10, $139.65 from 8130.4-15 to 8130.4-11, $198.00 from 8130.4-15 to 8130.4-12, $607.52 from 8130.4-15 to 8130.4-14, $39.32 from 8130.4-15 to 8130.4-17, $284.62 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-3, $17.34 from 8130.4-6 to 8130.4-5, $13.31 from 9050 to 9060, and $3.71 from 9050 to 9060.1.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $15.31 from 1990 to 8110.1, $123.75 from 8110.4 to 8130.1-1, $211.76 from 8130.1-5 to 8130.1-2, $169.80 from 8130.2-1 to 8130.1-3, $165.25 from 8130.2-1 to 8130.1-4, $40.93 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-10, $62.74 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-11, $102.00 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-12, $311.02 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-18, $1068.68 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.4-21, $2297.04 from 9010.8 to 8130.4-4, $294.96 from 8130.4-32 to 8130.4-4, $126.23 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-5, and $85.20 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-6.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Hotaling, with all in favor, carried. 

            Superintendent Lucas McMullen gave the water report to the Board stating there were no longer communication problems with Eklund Well since Verizon had worked on the issue.  He stated the Department of Health had recently inspected the water plant and gave him his oral portion of his test which he passed and has received his certification as a grade IIB-GW or SW with Filtration Avoidance Plant water System Operator.   He stated Jake Palmatier requested purchasing a shaft for the filter pumps.  After a brief discussion regarding price and how many were needed, (three) the Board agreed to have all 3 shafts ordered at one time to save on shipping costs.  Superintendent McMullen continued with his own report stating he finished flushing hydrants and had problems with getting a few of the valves to open. They will have to be dug up.  He will contact Pete Andrews on where to begin with the process of getting them fixed.  Superintendent McMullen reported that he has been patching up Maple Avenue and busy with the regular day to day upkeep of the Village.  He stated he has been having problems with the lawn mowers, swapping parts off of each of them to get them to run.

            Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer reported to the Board that he drove around with Lucas to look at the lateral restorations.  He stated they all looked pretty good with the exception of 362 Pearl Street, 217 Main Street and 244 River Street – those owners were not satisfied with the results.  Vacri Construction will be notified.  In regard to the compressor that was mentioned at the last meeting, Reightmyer received a quote for the installation, which will be $5,500.  A motion to order the compressor was made by Trustee Quarino with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  Reightmyer stated the Mallinckrodt sewer use permit is on track to be signed next week.  He also stated he thought 722 Main Street would be a good candidate for the lateral replacement that is in the budget as they have been having continuous issues at that location.   There was discrepancy on the total amount budgeted, Reightmyer thinking it was $6500, it is actually $3500.  Reightmyer stated an agreement should be drawn up for the owner showing that they understand they are only getting the budgeted amount toward the replacement cost.  Mayor Kaufman stated a quote would have to be established first for the amount of the replacement and then they would go from there. 

            Andrew Flach stated he would like to thank the Village crew for the installation of the bench from Rotary.  He also asked if the Village would have any involvement in the proposed Harvest Festival that was discussed at last month’s Board meeting.   There would be support from the Village but nothing of monetary value. 

            Hobart Fire Chief Josh Mason stated they have the storage room in the fired department side cleaned out and ready for the renovation.  He stated 1812 is having issues again.  It will be going to Stewart and Stevenson Atlantic Detroit. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.   In regard to the construction project at the Community Center, he stated the crew will be coming soon. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman gave the floor to Dick Hatfield.  Mr. Hatfield stated he has been approached by the Town to create a one person police patrol.  He said the only way he would do it would be to put a feeler out which he did and got signatures in support of this.  He stated it would be costly and is trying to keep everything low cost.  This would be through the Town of Stamford, with jurisdiction in Hobart and Stamford.  He stated that this person would be working with the public, for example, if there was a burglary, it would be actively worked on by this person.  The person would work with the Town Board and the schools and would work in conjunction with the State Police, Sheriff’s Department and D.A.’s office.  It would be a salaried position, not hourly.  He stated a police presence would cut the crime rate down.  He said this person would also work with the kids in the communities.  He stated he needs support for this to get it off the ground, it needs to be established before funding can be generated.

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting by reading the response letter to DEC stating the Village will be signing the SPDES permit as written and waiving the right to an adjudicatory hearing.  Mayor Kaufman then opened the floor to community participation of which there was none. 

            A motion to accept the following bills on Abstract No. 1 was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried. 


General Fund                Voucher #s 1-29          $  9,175.81

Water Fund                  Voucher #s 1-18          $  1,939.60

Sewer Fund                  Voucher #s 1-31          $  8,249.58

NYC Fund                   Voucher #s 1-30          $13,496.92


            A motion to go into executive session to discuss employee issues was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Quarino at 7:40 p.m. 

            The regular meeting was opened back up at 8:00 p.m. and a motion to adjourn at that time was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.

Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus

