
                            VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                      OCTOBER 18, 2021


            A public hearing for discussion of the necessity of a police officer was held prior to the regular board meeting. The hearing opened at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman with many people of the community present along with the entire Village of Hobart Board. Questions of police harassment and does the Village really need police presence were brought to the Board along with residents having their own experience with witnessing drug deals and harassment/not feeling safe in their own community and break ins. It was determined that more information is needed and more meetings on this will occur in the future.  The hearing was closed at 6:40 p.m.  The public hearing for cannabis-related businesses was opened at 6:40 p.m. The Village of Hobart has a December 31,2021 deadline to either opt in or opt out to allow cannabis related businesses in the Village of Hobart.  If the Village opts out it would be by a local law and would be able to opt back in down the road.  If the Village opts in, there is no ability to opt back out.  After discussion, the majority of the community present would vote to opt out.  The Village will hold another public hearing regarding this subject prior to next month’s board meeting.  The hearing was closed at 7:07 p.m.  

            The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 7:08 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Jim Quarino, Gordy Key, Amy Reinshagen and Kayla Mason, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW

Lucas McMullen, Chief of Waste Water Richi Horne, Don Thomases, Joe Andreno, Kevin and Joan Kinch, Cody Hager, Donna Muthig, Daisy McMullen, Karl Ogborn, Mary Van Valkenburg and Brent Trimbell (late). Superintendent Lucas McMullen reported to the Board that the paving of Pearl, Church and Pine Street are finished.  There was a major leak at the water plant and VNV Plumbing Heating and Electric fixed it.  The Village trash day is scheduled for tomorrow and the crew will begin to vacuum leaves after that.  Chief of Waste Water Richi Horne reported to the Board the crew has been busy painting.  The turbidimeters are in, they received a surprise inspection from DEP, had training in Sidney and took items to Clean Sweep.  Don Thomases stated the holiday light project is moving forward and the Hobart Business Alliance would like to put up a $400 sign with acknowledgement and support for those who contributed financially to the project.  Where the projected sign would go is where Mayor Kaufman said they have talked about installing an electronic sign so he suggested putting the acknowledgement sign over the farmer’s market sign. Don asked the Board’s permission to use the community center for assembling the electric pieces for the poles.  The request was granted as long as they check the dates to make sure when the center is available.  Zoning board member Joe Andreno said there was nothing to report and he had submitted written documents to the Village that he wanted place on file for now.  A motion to approve the September Treasurer’s Report with the following changes was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor.  In the General Fund, transfer $842.74 from 1990 to 1910-F.  In the Water Fund, transfer $752.99 from

1990 to 1910.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $477.09 from 1990 to 1910-3; transfer $77.00 from

1990 to 8130.4-13; transfer $1001.00 from 1990 to 8130.4-11; transfer $23.93 from 1990 to

9055.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $1192.14 from 1990 to 1910-3; transfer $384.74 from 1990 to 8130.4-13; transfer $281.23 from 1990 to 9055.  A motion to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried.  

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.   Regarding the water plant upgrade, the pump test starts tomorrow, and the probe will be installed in the neighboring property owner’s well.  Jason Preisner of Lamont Engineering will find out the status of the money as the Village has not heard anything new on that.  In regard to a police officer, Mayor Kaufman stated he would gather more information, and there would be more informational meetings down the road.  Regarding the condition of properties on Main Street, Mayor Kaufman talked with C.E.O. Tom Little and Little said he would send another letter to Mr. Bishop and if he did not comply by then, he would receive an appearance ticket.  Mayor Kaufman stated there would be a public hearing scheduled prior to next month’s regular board meeting to enact a local law for the cannabis related businesses.  The remainder of paving on Pearl, Church and Pine Streets is complete and Mayor Kaufman received a quote for the community center parking lot. 

It would cost approximately $17,000-$18,000 to finish paving it and this included the driveway.  Regarding EMS, Mayor Kaufman stated he attended another meeting.  There are possible options being discussed to remedy the situation but nothing has been decided yet.  The Village has recognized October as Anti-bullying awareness month since 2013.  The Board voted unanimously in favor of Resolution No. 5 titled Recognizing October 2021 as Anti-bully Awareness Month.  The Catskill Mt. Little League emailed the Village with some tree concerns near the ballfield.  Mayor Kaufman said they would be addressed in the spring.  The DePalma’s sent a letter to the board requesting a fix to the access to their property that used to be Mill Street off of River Street.  It is a fire lane and is used by the Village to mow.  More documentation and or information is needed to see if the Village can fix it with no cost to the DePalma’s.  The Board agreed to purchase cyber liability insurance upon the recommendation of Reynard Insurance.  Regarding Airbnb issues, Mayor Kaufman drafted a local law.  After Board review, it will be addressed and back for review at the next board meeting.  Mayor Kaufman opened the floor for community participation.  Mary Van Valkenburg stated she is the official person in charge of the sign for the Rotary. Brent Trimbell asked about the guardrails across from the water plant.  He said that he and Trustee Quarino could do the repair work and receive shared services from the County. A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 5 was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.

            General Fund              Voucher No.110-133              $60,467.28

            Water Fund                 Voucher No. 66-80                 $  5,645.20

            Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 72-84                 $  5,031.50

            NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 85-100               $  9,766.72

A motion to close the meeting at 8:52 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus



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