


            A public hearing was held prior to the Board meeting to review the proposed local law titled “Opting out of adult use cannabis retail dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption sites.”   The public hearing was opened by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:02 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Gordy Key, Jim Quarino and Kayla Mason, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Joe Andreno, Cody Hager, Fred Hood, Duane Martin, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Rick Van Valkenburg, Don Thomases, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen and Daisy McMullen.  The hearing was closed at 6:34 p.m.         

            The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Kaufman at 6:34 p.m.  Those present were the same as for the public hearing.  Superintendent McMullen reported to the Board that the crew finished up vacuuming leaves and took the box off of the truck.  Both sanders were serviced and put on the trucks.  They have been working on the shoulders of the road on Church Street and some on Pearl Street.  They will be renting a lift next week to put the Holiday lights up.  Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne reported to the Board that members of DEP took a tour to see how the plant and the microfilters work.  She will have an in-person meeting with Mallinkcrodt as they haven’t had one due to Covid. Don Thomases told the Board that the Blenheim Hill Books store has opened back up since the fire.  Regarding the bridge project, he stated an easement from Don Dales for access on his property would have to happen before O’Connor Foundation would consider grant money for this project.  Regarding the Holiday lights, 30 additional poles have electric hook up provided by NYSEG at a one-time cost to the Village.  The Business Alliance has created a banner that thanks everyone involved and that sign will go where the farmer’s market sign goes in the summer.  Joe Andreno of the ZBA said no application were pending and the Zoning Board will wait until the first January in 2022 to meet again.  Mayor Kaufman stated he spoke with John Whritner of the Planning Board and John had said they had no applications and nothing planned.  A motion to accept the October Treasurer’s Report with the following changes was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried. In the Water Fund, transfer $16.95 from 8310.4 to 8310.4-2.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $34.58 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-13; transfer $1083.20 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-8.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $280.51 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-13; transfer $2993.68 from 8130.4-4 to 8130.4-20.  A motion to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Key, with a second from Trustee Mason with all in favor, carried. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  Regarding the water plant upgrade, the pump test has been completed.  There is no other update at this time. Regarding the topic of a police officer, Mayor Kaufman stated the Village had a meeting last month to get feedback from the community.  He has met with Robinson Broadhurst Foundation members and they like the idea.  If the Village of Hobart joined with the Village of Stamford for this, they would like to fund it.  Mayor Kaufman also said they were very receptive to the idea of a cross trained cop/EMT.  Regarding the EMS issues, Robinson Broadhurst had also offered to put $900,000 of funding for 3 years for EMS for the towns of Harpersfield, Stamford and Kortright.  There was no update on the properties on Main Street from the Code Enforcement officer.  Regarding the Airbnb proposal of adopting a local law, ZBA member Joe Andreno stated the current zoning law would have to be amended to fit the proposed drafted law.  The zoning board will be looking this area of the zoning law over in January when they meet again and report back to the Village Board for their January meeting with their findings and suggestions.  Regarding the old Mill Street access issue, it was decided to wait until spring to see how it will be addressed. 

Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with new business.  The Board all voted to opt out and voted yes to adopt the Local Law No. 2 of 2021.  A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 6 was made by Trustee Mason with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.

General Fund              Voucher No. 134-175             $45,323.37

Water Fund                 Voucher No. 81-102               $11,446.50

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 85-107               $  8,438.94

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 101-128             $27,811.84


A motion to close the meeting at 7:43 p.m. was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,

Kellee J. Estus


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