VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                               JULY 25, 2016


            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Jim Quarino, Gordy Key and Charlie Reinshagen, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Fire Chief Josh Mason, Andrew Flach, John Mahoney, Barbara Balliet, George Duyer, Don Dales, Linda Coster, Chris Kaufman and Sherry Hotaling.  The Secretary/Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the Board.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s Board meeting was made by Trustee Quarino with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.

            Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen gave the water report to the Board.  He stated the water tower was losing water for the past two weeks.  A resident had a significant leak before their meter, it was repaired and since then the tower has gained 2 feet so hopefully that was the reason for the tower’s water loss.  Superintendent McMullen reported to the Board that the Village crew has been working on River Street, replacing the catch basin in front of Doris Clark’s house and digging ditches in front of Joedicke’s house.  They have also rebuilt a storm drain on the corner of Maple Avenue and Railroad Avenue.  It has come to Superintendent McMullen’s attention that a piece of the playground equipment broke so he took it down.  After contacting the company, they sent an estimate of possible replacements for that section.  The Board will table this for now.  Superintendent McMullen stated part of the drainage project at the new shop will require three 8 foot test holes to be dug.  He asked the Board if the Village could dig the holes rather than have a contractor company come to do it?  The Board agreed to ask the Town of Stamford to come dig the test holes.  Superintendent McMullen stated the cheapest price for the hydrant reflectors was $25 dollars a reflector rather than the quote of $10/reflector.  Mayor Kaufman stated to still order them as the Board had already agreed to purchase them for the fire department.  Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer reported to the Board that the wrong compressor was installed.  There was a mix up in communication on both sides, so the company was contacted.  In regard to the sewer use permit with Mallinckrodt, Reightmyer stated he is still waiting to hear something.  Mayor Kaufman stated he saw an email just prior to the meeting from Phil Ghiorse stating he had been on vacation and doing a separate signing rather than a meeting with all parties to sign might be better to save on time.  Reightmyer also stated a new aeration blower developed a leak, so the company replaced it with a new one today.  He told the Board that the Metalzorb is not in yet and the generator was serviced.  Reightmyer reported that he has contacted DEC and DEP regarding the change of Chief Operator.  The Mayor will have to send a letter to DEC stating Richi can sign reports for the Village.

            When given the floor for Economic Development, Andrew Flach asked if the members of the local business committee could speak.  Don Dales approached the Board regarding the issue of the gateway signs that they are in need of replacement.  He displayed pictures of different options and asked the Board for their individual opinions on them.  He stated they needed a sponsor to accept any grant money received for the new signs.  Mayor Kaufman asked which organizations they had in mind.  Mr. Dales said the O’Connor Foundation, The Hobart Community Foundation and the Dave and Joyce Barber Foundation.  A motion to accept responsibility for the grant money was made by Trustee Quarino with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  Don Dales also presented the Board with the idea of an informational kiosk for the Village.  He handed out pictures of the proposed idea.  The committee would like to get together with the Village Board and create an overall idea of signage in the Village.  It was agreed that a subcommittee should be formed that included all businesses in the Village, not just the book stores.  Mayor Kaufman suggested designating Andrew Flach as head of the committee as he is already the representative for economic development.  Mr. Flach accepted.  The kiosk would be paid for by grant funding and contributions from businesses. 

            Fire Chief Josh Mason reported that the official law has passed that all ambulances have to have narcotics on them or they will no longer be an ALS (Advanced Life Support) carrier.  This will be costly.  Chief Mason stated that Villages can bill for ambulance services and Rural District cannot.  This would be one way to help with the cost of the narcotics.  Mayor Kaufman said it had been looked in to in the past.  Things may have changed so it should be looked at again.  Chief Mason also asked about the solar tops of the street signs.  Superintendent McMullen had replaced many of them.  Streetlights do factor in to why some of them will not come on. 

            In old business, Mayor Kaufman asked if the truck 1812 issues were resolved.  They are so this will come off of the agenda.  The idea of a refuse service was tabled.  In regard to the WWTP employee, Mayor Kaufman stated the new employee, Tim Rausch started work today.  Richi Horne was hired as the new Chief Operator effective today as well.  In regard to the Community Center project, Mayor Kaufman stated it was still scheduled to begin soon. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated the Village received a compliance review from USDA Rural Development.  Two items that needed to be addressed were the handicapped parking spots at the Community Center had to be relined and the Village needed to establish an official T.T.D.(Telecommunication device for the deaf) number on Village letterhead.  Mayor Kaufman stated there are 3 rooms available at the Activity Center for rent.  The County of Dutchess reached out to the Village regarding their Think DIFFERENTLY initiative.   A resolution making areas more supportive and accepting of all neighbors of all abilities and “thinking differently” about people with special abilities was presented to the Board.  A motion to pass the resolution was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  In regard to the River Street drainage project, Mayor Kaufman asked Trustee Key how the results were.  He said there was water running over the swail ditch and on to the lawn.  The Village crew has been working on it.  A notice was read by Mayor Kaufman from the Delaware County Fire Fighter’s Association requesting a clothing drop box.  The Board was fine with it.  Trustee Hotaling stated there is a wedge of property next to the water tower that is up for foreclosure.  He also questioned how the Village would be able to obtain the property that will be foreclosed on in August on Pearl Street.  Clerk-Treasurer Estus stated she had contacted the Treasurer’s office regarding this but will have to call back next week when the Treasurer is back from vacation.  Trustee Hotaling also questioned why some of the Village property outside of the Village is considered tax exempt and some isn’t.  The Village currently pays town and school taxes on this property. 

            A request from new employee Dan Wade was made to change one line in his job description that states he will become a Village of Hobart or Town of Stamford resident within 9 months of hire and throughout his employment.  The Board agreed to scratch that line from his job description.

            Mayor Kaufman opened the floor to community participation.  John Mahoney asked about the website.  He said he went on it and was almost given a virus.  This is the old website that he is referring to.  Clerk-Treasurer Estus told him the new website address is on his water  bill.  It was recommended that the old website should be taken down so no one else gets a virus.  Mayor Kaufman will get in touch with Dick Barr regarding this. Don Dales wished to compliment the crew on the flower baskets on the street posts and the gateways.  He said they look very nice.  A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 2 was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried. 

General Fund              Voucher #s 30-70        $ 8,874.46

Water Fund                 Voucher #s 19-35        $ 2,696.33

Sewer Fund                 Voucher #s 32-53        $ 5,567.44

NYC Fund                  Voucher #s 31-52        $12,813.28


Clerk-Treasurer Estus told the Board that her computer had crashed a few days earlier.  She had taken it to CompTech and was told that it would continue to work but would not be able to get any updates.  CompTech recommended having the computer reformatted which would cost approximately $150 - $200.  A motion to have the computer reformatted was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to approve the bill from CompTech for $82.50 was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried. 

            A letter was read from Barbara Hoover Stevens, Co-Chair of the Board for the Methodist Church regarding pipes that had burst at the Wesley House in March resulting in a lot of water running.  The letter asked for a pardon on the sewer side of the bill.  A motion to pardon the sewer to the minimum amount was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Hotaling, with all in favor, carried.

Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,




Kellee J. Estus

