
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                               JULY 18, 2022


            A public hearing was held prior to the meeting for amendment/additions to the Zoning Law regarding short term rentals.  The hearing was called to order by Deputy Mayor Amy Reinshagen.  Those present were Deputy Mayor Reinshagen, Trustees Gordy Key, Kayla Mason, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Don Thomases, Cheryl Clarke, Barbara Balliet, George and Kathy Duyer, Carrie James, Fernando Mastrangelo, Mika Rosique, Ken Simurro, Joe Andreno, Fred Nelson, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Barbara Stevens, Cody Hager, Steve and Lisa Coster, Nicole Burst and daughter, Mayor Aaron Kaufman (late), Trustee Jim Quarino (late), Superintendent Lucas McMullen, Daisy McMullen and children.  Some questions were asked during the hearing.  Mayor Kaufman closed the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. and opened the regular meeting at that time.  Those present, were the same as the public hearing and Village Attorney John Hubbard. 

            Superintendent Lucas McMullen reported to the board that Laynes had found that 2 of the replacement pumps at the water plant had gone bad, so 2 new pumps were installed.  McMullen stated they got the repaired drive shaft back for the broom on the tractor.  He stated the crew had been patching pot holes and completed trash day.  Don Thomases stated 10 more holiday lights are on the way.

            The board reviewed the June Treasurer’s report.  A motion to approve it with the following changes, was made by Trustee Key, with a second from Trustee Mason, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $17.00 from 1990 to 4540.4-4; transfer $1261.57 from 4540.2 to 4540.4.  In the Water Fund, transfer $45.00 from 1990 to 8340.4-3.  A motion to approve last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Mason, with all in favor, carried. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  Regarding the water plant upgrade, he said he spoke with Jason of Lamont Engineers, and they still need to execute their engineer contract before moving forward with the project.  This contract is not ready and will not be ready until the next board meeting.  Jason also said the project still needed to be designed to be put out to bid which he estimated would happen in December or January of 2023.   This would make the upgrades not take place until at least the spring.  Mayor Kaufman expressed frustration with this and asked the board if they should look into getting another engineer firm to finish this project.  The board all unanimously agreed to do so.  Mayor Kaufman stated he spoke with Brent Trimbell regarding the guardrail project and Trimbell said he thought it would be better to do the project all together at the same time.  Kaufman will talk to Trimbell again on this.

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with new business.  The sewer plant is in need of a new generator.  Tisdal Associates Engineering firm would provide engineering and technical services related to this replacement at a cost of $12,700.  Mayor Kaufman asked the board for approval for him to sign the contract between the Village of Hobart and Tisdal Associates.  The board unanimously agreed to approve the signing of the contract.  NYS has issued regulations for lead pipes.  Municipalities have to detect and remove any lead piping found.  The Village will have to come up with a plan of how to detect and remove lead pipes.  Mayor Kaufman spoke about the Restore New York Communities Initiative (“Restore NY”) which provides municipalities with financial assistance for the revitalization of commercial and residential properties. The focus would be on the elimination and redevelopment of blighted structures.  He also stated there have been NYSEG poles on Maple Avenue for over a year that can not be removed until the other utility companies transfer their lines on to the new poles.  Mayor Kaufman stated an outage has taken place with the cellular read meter endpoints so the Village is currently in the dark with water usage.  He encourages all property owners to take extra attention to your plumbing and any leaks that you may have.  The new endpoints are scheduled to be shipped to the Village at the end of August.  This will give the crew the month of September to replace them all.  Residents will be notified that this will have to be done as soon as possible. There is office space available as the Activity Center as Project Independence will be out of there effective July 31st.  The zoning law addition of section 4.8 Rental Property and Short-Term Rentals was unanimously approved and accepted by the board with one change –the word “kitchen” is to be taken out of the Short-Term Rental definition.

            Mayor Kaufman stated the conduct at meetings would be changing.  He asked for input from the community attending the meeting.  Standing up, giving your name and where you are from, speaking only when called on and with civility and respect were some of the ideas given. 

            A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 2 was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried. 


General Fund              Voucher No. 37-62     $10,184.37

Water Fund                 Voucher No. 16-32     $  2,984.78

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 20-42     $12,306.46

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 16-28     $  9,322.96


Requests for relief of sewer portions of bills due to pool fills and a burst pipe were approved unanimously by the board.  A thank you letter was received from Dollars for Scholars for the use of the building for their meetings and mail-a-thons. 


A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,


Kellee J. Estus







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