


            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:32 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Kayla Mason, Amy Reinshagen, Gordy Key and Jim Quarino, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Brittany Loucks, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Don Thomases, Cody Hager, Meg Hungerford, Ray Baker, Mary VanValkenburg, Richard VanValkenburg and Don Martin (late).

            Superintendent McMullen reported to the board that 2 sanders had electrical issues and the big truck overheated during the snowstorm.  The trackless machine had a few hydraulic leaks as well.  McMullen said all had to be worked on outside and it would be nice to have an inside or covered location to work on vehicles and equipment.  He plans to have the Christmas lights taken down next week. 

            Chief Operator of Waste Water Horne reported to the board that they had high flows at the plant at around Christmas time.  They completed CIPs with the microfilter racks.  Don Thomases reported that the HBA is collaborating with the Historical Society to place signs on the older buildings in the Village.  In regard to the fire department, the rescue truck is going to Tony’s Body Shop for repairs.  New fire trucks are around $600,000 brand new. 

            A motion to approve the December Treasurer’s report with the following changes was made by Trustee Key, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $52.69 from 1620.1-3 to 1325.4-7; transfer $1539.77 from 3410.2 to 1620.4-1; transfer $104.55 from 1620.4-E to 1620.4-5; transfer $818.41 from 4540.4-7 to 3410.4-3; transfer $818.41 from 4540.4-7 to 3410.4-3; transfer $661.18 from 5110.1-1 to 4540.4; Transfer $195.75 from 5142.4-1 to 5110.4-1.  In the Water Fund, transfer $16.00 from 1990 to 9060.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $61.71 from 8110.4 to 8130.1-5.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $422.18 from 8130.2-3 to 8130.1-5; transfer $182.90 from 8130.4-27 to 8130.4-3.

A motion to approve the December minutes as read was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried. 

            Mayor Kaufman gave the floor to Headwater EMS.  They are looking to purchase 2 ambulances and were interested in one of the ambulances that the Village has.  They said that comps for what the Village ambulance had were about $35,000.  They are looking to purchase an ambulance within the next 30-45 days and wondered if the Village was interested in selling one to them. 

            In old business, Mayor Kaufman stated he had teleconference calls with LaBerge Group and was pleased with what they had to offer regarding the water emergency project.  They said the original plan was to install 2 wells and they would like to research more data to see if that is necessary.  Mayor Kaufman stated Lamont Engineering finally called and now know they are no longer involved in this project.  Water meter endpoints still need to be installed.  Superintendent McMullen stated there are roughly 12-15 left to do.  Mayor Kaufman state dental insurance is now provided to employees and will go into effect February 1st.  Regarding the Maple Avenue culvert, it was voted unanimously by the board to have the Mayor write one more letter to Mr. Wright with a deadline for this project to go through.  Mayor Kaufman stated security cameras have been installed at the water plant.  A recommendation from LaBerge Group to install a fence around the water tower was decided by the board that it was not necessary.  A formal resignation letter was received from previous Village Attorney John Hubbard.  It was suggested to ask Andrew VanBuren if he would be interested in taking Hubbard’s place. 

            Mary VanValkenburg discussed Rotary International doing tree plantings.  Don Martin asked the board about having a farm equipment show in July.  Mayor Kaufman asked him to gather more information and come back to the Village.  The board discussed and decided to have the crew open the gym at HAC from 9 to noon for walkers during inclement weather.  Mayor Kaufman read violation letters that Tom Little had sent to property owners. 

            A request from Youth Trek project to hold their event again this coming August 10th and 11th was presented to the board.  The board agreed to allow the event to happen.  Cody Hager asked about the Catskill Mountain Little League being able to revamp the field and dug outs if they can get funding for it.

            A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 8 was made by Trustee Mason with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor.

General Fund                          Voucher No. 217-247             $22,478.72

Water Fund                             Voucher No. 103-115             $  5,070.37

Sewer Fund                             Voucher No. 116-130             $  5,949.43

NYC Fund                              Voucher No. 143-158             $  5,843.46


            A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m. was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus


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