
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MINUTES                       March 20, 2023


The regular board meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6.30pm. Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Kayla Mason, Amy Reinshagen Gordy Key, Jim Quarino, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief operator Richi Horne and Clerk Treasurer Ann Barr.

Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen reported Eklund pump needs to be replaced.

Josh Mason spoke of new 5inch fire hoses needed and 4 estimates for a new fire truck.

Discussions were also had on who would title the new fire truck the fire department or the village. further discussion will be had upon both being titled to it along with possibly hiring someone to inspect the 3 trucks as a consultant.

Amy discussed the specs of the trucks which were reviewed and bids if it would be considered. They have a meeting tomorrow night to discuss quote.

Further discussion about an old fire truck and what they're going to do with the truck. Talk of wanting to dispose of it but there's no market out there for used fire trucks except farmers. There will be a meeting tomorrow night to discuss them paying for hose we used.

Josh Mason said the governor is paying firemen and women who are now eligible to get 10% tax write-off on property or $300 a year. Members would have to decide whether they want to or which one, not everyone will be qualified (for example people who rent apartments wouldn’t be eligible for property tax discount)

It was also discussed the fire department is in desperate need of volunteers.

Mayor Aaron made motion for minutes from last meeting, Amy second.

Mayor Aaron made a motion for Richard Lebar’s Grant for water plant, Amy second

Mayor Aaron made a motion for Treasures report, Amy second.

Generator project on hold still.

Maple Ave Culvert still waiting for response.

Spec GX issues discussed only plant around here that has medic on site. It was discussed possibly having them on call for our village, but it's too much of a liability to them, although he is willing to allow people that work there to leave on ambulance calls as long as they clock out. We will talk about paying them for the call.

It was further discussed if we can get enough people to sign up for an EMT class Mallinckrodt is willing to pay and sponsor it and just would have to write up a mutual Aid agreement.



Headwater EMS no updates

Coffee pot nothing changed. Talk of Sunrise tanks on property not authorized to be on property and discussion was also made about calling Sunrise to remove the tanks due to safety hazard and gas lines exposed that are supposed to be protected. Further discussion brought up about refrigerators on the property and they won't move their cars a discussion of a barricade for safety issues was announced temporarily until further resolved.

fire department looking for volunteers to be trained fire hose meetings are Tuesday 7:00 p.m.

Our EMS is on life support.

Don thomases spoke about the ball field cost of $7,500 that Joe Morabito is going to fund.

Don Thomases talked about historical signs being made.

Meeting came to adjourn 7:35pm.


                                                                    Respectfully submitted 


                                                                                Ann Barr

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