The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:37 p.m.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Jim Quarino, Charlie Reinshagen and Gordy Key, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Hobart Fire Chief Josh Mason, Andrew Flach, Barbara Hoover Stevens, Jeremy and Deanna MacIntyre  and James Barr III.  The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the Board.  A motion to approve the report with the following changes was made by Trustee Reinshagen with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $1478.00 from 4540.4-3 to 3410.4.  In the Water Fund, transfer $16.00 from 9060 to 9060.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $365.00 from 8130.4-17 to 8130.1-3; transfer $603.79 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.4-11; transfer $112.39 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.4-3; transfer $62.21 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-4; transfer $10.13 from 9060 to 9060.1.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $3967.00 from 8130.4-17 to 8130.1-3; transfer $547.66 from 8130.4-18 to 8130.2-5; transfer $77.65 from 8130.4-18 to 8130.2-5; transfer $792.18 from 8130.4-3 to 8130.4-4; transfer $29.10 from 9060 to 9061.1.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Reinshagen, with a second from Trustee Hotaling, with all in favor, carried. 

            Superintendent McMullen reported to the Board that the water plant seems to be running okay with no problems and that Carl Hanselman of Mallinckrodt had contacted Kellee and said he didn’t forget about coordinating for the meters, he has been busy.  McMullen also reported that 3 endpoints on 3 of the new water meters had to be replaced.  He will find out from the company if there will be a charge for the new endpoints as they are supposed to be good for 10 years. He reported that they have been busy plowing and sanding roads and keeping the trucks clean.  He asked the Board for permission to purchase a master cylinder for  the sand truck and the Board gave the okay.  He also asked about purchasing bristles for the broom that would cost approximately $600.  The Board gave the okay on this as well.  Mayor Kaufman asked McMullen how many water meters were still left to change.  McMullen stated about 40 meters.   It was suggested by Village Attorney Hubbard that certified letters go out to the remaining residents who have not responded at all to the multiple mailings requesting them to contact the Village to either set up appointments or let the Village know an appointment was not necessary. 

            Chief Operator Richi Horne reported to the Board that the sludge truck needs repairs and she has not had an answer from the Board.   Mayor Kaufman asked her where the quotes that she listed came from.  Horne stated they were solely from Rinehart Ag and Repair.  Mayor Kaufman told Horne to get 2 more quotes.  Chief Operator Horne stated she has been looking into an alternative for the SEMS program that would be a one time cost of $956 and would not have an annual subscription.  Trustee Hotaling stated she should look a little more into it as he is familiar with these programs and they are quite involved.  Chief Operator Horne wished to thank the Board for the additional two days off for the holidays.  She also stated Gartner Equipment and Lamont Engineering were present for the SK receiving pit evaluation.  It was having issues, so connections were fixed and a new relay and gasket were installed.  Horne stated a new backflow device was installed at the water plant and a new portable heater was installed for the lift station.  She stated some of the employees attended training in Schoharie for Water Chemistry and Dosage Calculations.  Finally, she stated a new DMR was set up online and all WWTP reports will be submitted electronically moving forward, which will reduce a ton of paperwork. 

 Mayor Kaufman stated he had information for McMullen to look into a 30 hour OSHA online course that all employees could take.  There was also specifically a highway training course that Lucas and Dan could take.  Village Attorney Hubbard asked if the training provided any type of insurance benefit.  It was unknown, but the Village will check with Kevin at Reynard Insurance.  Mayor Kaufman stated the Waste Water Plant’s fuel oil tank was about bone dry over the weekend and the fuel company had to come out again on a Sunday.  He said the fuel man stated the Village was using a lot of fuel this year too.  Mayor Kaufman questioned Horne about this.  She said the only change was the DPW washing the trucks with the bay door open.  She said the fuel man was supposed to be coming once a week this time of year and they do already coordinate and write amounts down so they don’t run out.  Mayor Kaufman stated the tank is to be checked every day and logged from now on.

            Hobart Fire Chief stated 4 lengths of hose were ordered.  The fire department is using a  new google maps system called I Am Responding.  They have a free 2 month trial and then the Rural District has agreed to pay the first year at a cost of $800/year.  Chief Mason stated it shows locations, where the fire department is and the proximity to calls.  Chief Mason also reported to the Board that they have had a few helicopter calls and rather than use the SKCS parking lot for a designated landing they have used the sewer plant road and would like to place an H on the road with a circle around it for the helicopter to land.  Mason questioned what was happening with the back room – the tiles haven’t been replaced and the lights haven’t been replaced.  He contacted Action Doors and they came out for a quote for the garage door openers for the old shop truck bay.  Mason said truck 1813 and truck 1861 will be put in the back.  A motion to approve the quote for the garage door openers was made by Trustee Hotaling with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.  Chief Operator Horne asked that Action Door give a quote for the sewer and water plant overhead doors.  Mayor Kaufman agreed to this and directed Superintendent McMullen to contact Action Door with this information tomorrow.  Trustee Hotaling stated the garage door opener for the fire department should get done as soon as possible.  Mayor Kaufman also directed McMullen to get tiles to fully replace the ones in the old shop bay and to pull the insulation out as a former employee had told the Fire Chief that this should be done to prevent roof leakage. 

            Andrew Flach stated he had received plans and data for the hydroelectric power and would like permission from the Board to speak to O’Connor Foundation about it.  The Board gave their permission.

            In old business, Mayor Kaufman tabled the LEP requirement once again as he has not heard from anyone regarding this.  He also stated the 2 trees in front of 316 Maple Avenue were to be looked at as well as one in between Nixon’s and Ogborns on Maple Avenue.  They are dead and/or dropping limbs into the street and onto the sidewalk.  Timber Tree will be looking at them to give a quote.  Gunther Tree Service is closed until spring.  Trustee Reinshagen stated there could be a few more trees that might need attention if they are considered dangerous.  Trustee Quarino asked that Beaver Tree Service be included to get a quote for the trees and asked that no subcontractors be used for the tree trimming/removal.  Mayor Kaufman stated the hybrid plan for health insurance was picked and this will increase the insurance by 6%. 

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated a resolution designating the polling location and hours of the Village election had to be made.  Whereas, the Board of Trustees has determined that Election Law 15-104(3) requires the identification of the polling place and hours open of the Village election; and Whereas, the general Village election will be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 9:00 p.m.; Be it resolved, the polling place will be the Hobart Community Center located at 80 Cornell Avenue, Hobart, New York.  All five Board members were in favor, with no nays.  Mayor Kaufman continued with the Prodigy payment lease which is for the credit card terminal.  The lease is changing as the terminal will change to become chip compliant.  A motion to approve the new lease was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried. 

            Mayor Kaufman opened the floor to community participation.  Jeremy and Deanna MacIntyre complained about High Street conditions.  They said it was not being maintained at all, the plows do not come up the road until noon and they have had trouble meeting the bus with their truck because of the road conditions.  They requested High Street become a priority.  The Board agreed that from now on, on days of inclement weather, at 6 a.m. all 3 employees do High Street first with 2 guys flagging on Route 10 while the 3rd guy plows/sands.  James Barr III asked if the Board would consider Activity Center yearly memberships that included a fee and insurance requirement.  He suggested a fingerprint lock that could be accessed at any time.  The insurance and liability were the top concerns but it will be considered and looked into further.

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting by handing out copies of a draft of a potential water law for the Village of Hobart.  It had new rates and if payment was not made in 60 days, the water was shut off.  The current law is 6 months.  Discounts for senior citizens were discussed as well.  Mayor Kaufman stated he would like to work on improving the water law and then work on the revising the sewer law.  Chief Operator Horne stated Rural Water would work on helping with the new law.  Mayor Kaufman asked her to get him a contact from Rural Water.  A public hearing for the proposed changes to the existing water law will take place at 6 p.m. prior to the next Village Board meeting.  The Board agreed to change next month’s meeting to Monday, February 13th as the regular meeting date falls on President’s Day and people go away during that time.  The Board is hoping for a better turn out for the Public Hearing. 

            Trustee Hotaling brought up the land in Township that the Village owns.  He stated he would like letters to go out to the adjoining land owners.  Village Attorney Hubbard stated he would look over this letter with Clerk-Treasurer Estus.   Mayor Kaufman read a proposal from Stephen Wright to rent the Activity Center gym at a reduced rate.  The Board agreed it had to be the same fee for everyone across the board.  A response letter will be written to Mr. Wright.

            A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 8 was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.


General Fund                Voucher No. 222-251              $12,593.44

            Water Fund                  Voucher No. 113-126              $   1951.04

            Sewer Fund                  Voucher No. 172-192              $   4298.30

            NYC Fund                   Voucher No. 178-196              $   3316.16


The Board discussed revisiting the policy for overtime during storms.  Currently, there is no overtime for clearing sidewalks – the Village crew does not come in on the weekends to do sidewalks.  The Board agrees that all sidewalks should be done, not just what is known as the business district.  It was also discussed to provide some sort of notice to the residents that while the Village is taking care of sidewalks, it is a courtesy, not a requirement.  The Board also agreed that during snow storms on the weekend, the sewer plant employee who is working should stay a full 8 hours if needed for snow removal.  Weekend coverage at the sewer plant is not a full 8 hour day. 

            A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.








Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus

