The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:25 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Gordy Key and Jim Quarino, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief of Waste Water Richi Horne, Hobart Fire Chief Josh Mason, Willard Gould, Ralph and Nancy Beisler and Rich Wayman. 

            A motion to accept the June and July Treasurer’s report with the following changes was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried. For the June 2017 report, in the Sewer Fund, transfer $ 17.50 from 1990 to 8130.2-1; in the NYC Fund, transfer $57.52 from 1990 to 8130.4-28.  For the July report, in the General Fund, transfer $0.35 from 1990 to 1910-G; in the Water Fund, transfer $0.30 from 1990 to 1910.2; in the Sewer Fund, transfer $833.75 from 1990 to 8130.2-1; transfer $65.47 from 1990 to 8130.4-19; transfer $108.15 from 1990 to 8130.4-28.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $688.51 from 1990 to 8130.4-20; transfer $284.79 from 1990 to 8130.4-28. 

            Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen reported to the Board that the crew has cleaned out catch basins and patched sides of the road on Maple Avenue.  He stated the crew flagged for the Town of Stamford for 4 days.  He also stated a tree located at the Cipriano residence on Main Street was dead and could come down in the road.  Mrs. Cipriano did contact the Village regarding the tree.  McMullen asked if he should contact DOT and see what they say.  Mayor Kaufman said yes. 

            Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne reported to the Board that the water maintenance was complete with the radon tank and contact tank being cleaned.  She said she met with Layne Christensen Company and Alpha Geoscience and submitted copies of a proposal to find additional water to the Board.  She stated they would like to drill a test well at the water plant first.  She also stated the 3 contact pumps would need to be cleaned again probably this fall being a good time to do it.  Horne reported that the second round of wet testing passed at the sewer plant and the generator has been serviced.  She also reported the new hot water heater has been installed and is almost ready to use.  Horne said they have had a clarifier issue for a number of years and it was replaced by AquaLogics Systems.  AquaLogics Systems found an issue that requires more electrical work to be done.  Magnan Electric will install the parts when they come in.  She also stated the lift station electrical has been updated and she received a second opinion on the copper issue which was that all they are doing is what they should be doing.  Chief Operator Horne stated excessive rags are plugging up the sewer lift station, possibly baby wipes are the cause.  She suggested the Village send a letter to residents to ask that certain items not be flushed.  In closing, Horne stated there was a water pressure issue during the hot water project and Narvin of VNV found it was a well issue and he fixed it.          

            Hobart Fire Chief Josh Mason reported to the Board that 1812 did not receive the scheduled pump service due to a governor issue again.  Trustee Hotaling asked for pictures of the governor and to have a paid invoice pulled out of when it was replaced what was thought to be last year.  Fire Chief Mason stated the ambulance is now equipped with all of the narcotics.  He asked if the dip in front of the back truck bay could somehow be fixed.   The Board and Fire Chief Mason discussed scheduling a proposed meeting with the Rural District and the Village of Stamford regarding ambulance services for the Village of Stamford. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business. The two new basketball hoops are up and the court has been resurfaced.  The court still needs to be painted.  Ralph Beisler stated it would be best to paint on a cloudy day, not when there’s direct sun.  Trustee Quarino offered to help paint with the Village crew possibly the following week.  In regard to parking, Mayor Kaufman stated the signs and barriers on Cornell Avenue are not working.  He said he’s had numerous phone calls to his home regarding this and the Village has received a written complaint.  Mayor Kaufman stated more signs would be ordered, possibly white lines could be placed on the street like the Village of Delhi has and the Sheriff’s department has been contacted.  They said they would get the word out to all of their patrol cars and start writing tickets.  Nancy Beisler stated there is an issue of on street parking at the top of Cornell Avenue.  Mayor Kaufman said it would be added to the list of complaints.  Mayor Kaufman stated 26 residents have so far signed up for the senior citizen water rate discount.

            In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated a resident with an outdoor wood boiler was talked to about burning out of season and has not stopped.  Mayor Kaufman asked the Board if they agreed that at this point it is in the Code Enforcement Officer’s hands to follow the law and issue tickets.  The Board agreed.  In regard to the Village property off of Reservoir Road, an offer to purchase the property has been received by DEP at $1300/acre and to have the Village bury the remains of the old Calhoun stone house.  Trustee Hotaling stated no adjoining landowners want to make an offer on the property.  The Board agrees the offer is low and will go back to DEP for another offer.  The logging prospect of the property will also be revisited.  In regard to the trailer park concern, a trailer has been removed in the park and if another one is to go in, it will have to have a setback of 15 feet.  The adjoining property owner has noted this and is placing a fence down the length of his property.  Mayor Kaufman stated this too has been turned over to the Code Enforcement officer.  In regard to the request to rent the entire HAC field in 2018, Mayor Kaufman said the interested group would like to set up tents and porta-potties and stay overnight.  The Board discussed asking the Village Attorney about any legal issues there might be and go from there.

            Mayor Kaufman opened the floor to community participation.  Rich Wayman asked where he could park his van as he’s received notices to move the vehicle out of the Village parking lot.  He stated he had removed the van and was working on moving his truck to another location as well.  Mayor Kaufman told Wayman that the vehicles could not stay overnight in the parking lot and we had signs for 2 hour parking only in both Village parking lots on Main Street.  Richi Horne asked if the AWWA could have their class here again next year at the Community Center.  The Board agreed that this was acceptable.  A written request to pardon the sewer side of their water and sewer bill due to the filling of a pool was made by Sherry Hotaling.  The meter had been read before and after the pool filling.  A motion to accept the request was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Key with Trustee Hotaling abstaining from the vote and all other in favor, carried.   A motion to accept the following bills on Abstract No. 3 was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried. 


            General Fund              Voucher No. 61-94                 $9,918.02

            Water Fund                 Voucher No. 35-52                 $3,789.60

            Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 55-78                 $5,503.26

            NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 58-80                 $9,956.21


            It has come to the attention of the Mayor and the Board that someone had illegally dumped parts of pvc piping, insulation, flooring etc. into the burn pit.  The Board agreed that pictures should be taken, the sheriff’s department needed to be notified and the Code Enforcement officer should contact the person who had a demolition permit to get rid of a trailer to have them provide proof and tickets of where they dumped the trailer to make sure this wasn’t them.   A motion to go into executive session at 7:55 p.m. was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to come out of executive session at 8:37 p.m. was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m. was made by Trustee Hotaling, with a second from Trustee Key with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned. 



Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus
