
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                               JUNE 19, 2018



            The Public Hearing for the proposed local law titled “Snow Emergency and Snow Emergency Parking Restrictions” was opened at 6:02 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Aaron Kaufman, Trustees Gordy Key, Kayla Mason, Amy Reinshagen and Jim Quarino and Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus.  There was no attendance from the public.  Mayor Kaufman closed the public hearing at 6:30 p.m. 

            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6:30 p.m.  Those present were the same as the Public Hearing and Village Attorney John Hubbard, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief Operator Richi Horne, Kristina Zill of Transition Catskills, Mike Kestner and Ryan Barzee representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and Christine Kaufman.  The Board reviewed the April and May Treasurer’s Reports.  A motion to accept both the April and May Treasurer’s Reports with the following changes was made by Trustee Key, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  For the April Treasurer’s Report:  In the General Fund, transfer $33.60 from 1620.4-3 to 1620.4(HAC); transfer $36.11 from 5110.4-1 to 5142.4-1; transfer $805.84 from 4540.4-3 to 5182; transfer $284.32 from 1990 to 9030ss; transfer $65.99 from 1990 to 9030med.  In the Water Fund, transfer $35.00 from 8310.4-5 to 8340.4-2; transfer $56.06 from 8310.4-5 to 8340.4-4; transfer $12.80 from 9060 to 9060.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $71.32 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.1-2; transfer $359.02 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-11; transfer $30.03 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-13; transfer $3.32 from 8110.4 to 8130.4-16; transfer $228.87 from 8130.4-1 to 8130.4-21; transfer $176.00 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-4; transfer $24.96 from 8130.4-2 to 8130.4-5.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $299.48 from 8130.2-4 to 8130.1-2; transfer $5.90 from 8130.4-10 to 8130.4-1; transfer $448.41 from 8130.4-16 to 8130.4-15; transfer $183.10 from 8130.2-4 to 8130.4-2; transfer $2520.28 from 8130.4-18 to 8130.4-3; transfer $115.49 from 8130.1-7 to 8130.4-33; transfer $176.00 from 8130.2-4 to 8130.4-4.  For the May Treasurer’s Report:  In the General Fund, transfer $13.95 from 1910-H to 1340.4; transfer $244.54 from 1910-H to 1620.1-2; transfer $511.07 from 1620.4-F to 1620.4-1; transfer 192.04 from 1620.4 to 1620.4(HAC); transfer $44.00 from 1620.4-4 to 3410.4-4; transfer $250.00 from 4540.4-3 to 3410.4-7; transfer $18.17 from 4540.4-3 to 4540.4-5; transfer $427.56 from 4540.4-3 to 4540.4; transfer $246.88 from 5110.4 to 5110.1-1; transfer $83.03 from 5110.4 to 5110.1-2; transfer $65.22 from 5110.4 to 5142.1-1; transfer $108.76 from 5110.4 to 5142.1-2; transfer $828.24 from 5110.4 to 5182; transfer $388.69 from 5110.4 to 9030ss; transfer $90.90 from 5110.4 to 9030med.  In the Water Fund, transfer $103.84 from 1910.3 to 8310.1; transfer $156.07 from 8340.4-7 to 8320.1-1; transfer $9.88 from 8340.4-7 to 8320.1-5; transfer $97.97 from 8340.4-7 to 8320.1-5; transfer $245.51 from 8340.4-7 to 8340.4-4; transfer $27.45 from 8340.4-7 to 8340.4-5; transfer $2010.02 from 8320.4-1A to 8340.4; transfer $9.42 from 8340.4-7 to 9030med; transfer $41.75 from 8340.4-7 to 9030ss; transfer $16.00 from 9060 to 9060.1.  In the Sewer Fund, transfer $41.74 from 1990 to 8130.1-1; transfer $89.15 from 1990 to 8130.1-2; transfer $21.70 from 1990 to 8130.1-3; transfer $179.52 from 1990 to 8130.4-12; transfer $77.54 from 8130.4-7 to 8130.4-13; transfer $1128.04 from 8130.4-39 to 8130.4-3; transfer $4.55 from 1990 to 8130.4-32; transfer $61.72 from 8130.4-30 to 8130.4-5; transfer $20.26 from 9060 to 9060.1.  In the NYC Fund, transfer $114.78 from 8110.4 to 8110.1; transfer 212.05 from 8130.4-14 to 8130.1-1; transfer $374.35 from 8110.4 to 8130.1-2; transfer $1966.90 from 8130.4-37 to 8130.1-3; transfer $1094.20 from 8130.4-37 to 8130.1-4; transfer $225.11 from 8130.4-37 to 8130.1-5; transfer $1128.38 from 8130.4-37 to 8130.1-7; transfer $79.90 from 8130.2-2 to 8130.2-3; transfer $900.00 from 9060 to 8130.2-8; transfer $307.64 from 8130.4-19 to 8130.4-1; transfer $1011.69 from 1990 to 8130.4-11; transfer $1.78 from 1990 to 8130.4-13; transfer $138.28 from 8130.4-30 to 8130.4-18; transfer $607.49 from 8130.4-14 to 8130.4-2; transfer $431.00 from 8130.4-37 to 8130.4-3; transfer $115.49 from 8130.4-29 to 8130.4-33; transfer $39.60 from 9060 to 9030med; transfer $169.13 from 9060 to 9030ss; transfer $19.72 from 9060 to 9061.1.  A motion to approve the April minutes was made by Trustee Mason with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried. 

            Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen reported to the Board that they had been busy sweeping the roads and repairing the Village’s sweeper helped save money with the Village of Delhi sweeper service this year.  He stated the crew had also been fixing potholes and mowing and making things look nice for Memorial Day.  McMullen stated they serviced the tractor and there is a retaining wall project on Grant Brook that will be done by Delaware County Soil and Water.  He stated the culvert pipe is in need of repair and will contact Soil and Water to see if it can be repaired.  Chief Operator Richi Horne stated they got new totes to make the CIPs easier, the water plant filter was replaced, and Ken Kosinski of DEC brought two coworkers to tour the sewer plant.  Horne stated they did some camering on High Street to show that the Village line was clear after a homeowner had a backing up of sewage.  Horne attended the Rural Water conference and Rural Water had asked for a letter to local assemblymen for money for water infrastructure – it would work like CHIPs money does.  She reported that DEP had an inspection at the plant and Jake passed his last test in Morrisville.  He now has to take the state test which will cost $150.  Tim took the 4A test and did not pass.  He is asking to take it again in 3 months which is the earliest he can and asking for the Board to again pay the $116 fee.  The Board unanimously agreed to do this for both Palmatier and Rausch.  Chief Operator Horne stated the NY alert system has completely changed their website and she participated in the safety fair that SpecGX LLC had.  Horne also reported to the Board that she, Lucas and Jake attended training in Sidney.  The use of bioxide in SK had stopped during a personnel change which caused issues at the sewer plant that caused a lot of time and work to figure out what was wrong.  Horne stated she told Mike Jonker of LVDV Operations that the bioxide feed had to be working all of the time.  She also said there was a water plant issue – it had not been running right.  The transducer in the contact tank failed and the plant didn’t make water for 12 hours.  Smith Control Systems was contacted and as of today it is back to working correctly.

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting by giving Kristina Zill of Transition Catskills the floor.  Ms. Zill talked about the Village of Hobart earning Clean Energy Community designation and qualifying to apply for grant funding.  The Village has the electric car charging station and solar panels at all facilities.  The Board agreed to allow her to set up a solar event in either July or August.  Mayor Kaufman gave Ryan Barzee and Mike Kestner of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints the floor to give a presentation of what Trek is and what will occur at the park and pavilion on August 4th and 5th.  A discussion followed regarding putting signs up that the park will be closed and notifying that all but the basketball court will be closed during that time. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  In regard to the Village property off of Reservoir Road, Mayor Kaufman stated he received a proposal from MDB Logging for $200,000 of timber on the property.  The proposal stated a 50/50 split of $98,000 each.  Trustee Reinshagen will do more research.  In regard to fowl in the Village, Mayor Kaufman asked the Board members if they wanted to proceed to make a local law.  Trustee Key and Mason voted yes and Trustee Reinshagen and Quarino voted no with Mayor Kaufman having to vote.  Mayor Kaufman voted yes to a law, therefore one will be proposed in the future.  In regard to a police officer, Mayor Kaufman asked Village Attorney Hubbard how we could have a Town Constable but the Village funds it.  Hubbard stated a committee could be formed, that would include Town and Village people.  Mayor Kaufman asked about a contract.  The Village could financially fund the position but the liability would fall back on the Town.  Liability is an issue.  One suggestion Village Attorney Hubbard stated would be for the Village to reimburse the Town for the liability insurance policy.  The goal is to try it for a year as a pilot program.  Mayor Kaufman once again asked the Board if they still wanted to pursue adding a police officer and all board members voted yes unanimously. Village Attorney Hubbard will speak to the Town of Roxbury Clerk to see what policy they have for their Town Constable. 

            Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with new business.  In regard to the proposed local law titled “Snow Emergency and Snow Emergency Parking Restrictions” the Board voted unanimously all ayes.  Trustee Key said he was informed the parking lot at the Community Center had no lighting the morning of the special election in April.  Clerk Estus said it had been fixed by Amos Gray.  Mayor Kaufman read a letter from Jason Seeley of the Cub Scouts requesting use of the Community Center for meetings the 4th Monday of the month with the fee waived.  The Board voted unanimously yes to this request.  Mayor Kaufman issued swap sheet forms to Chief Operator Horne for staff scheduling purposes.  Trustee Quarino stated the lines would be finished up on the basketball court in the next couple of weeks.  Chief Operator Horne spoke to the Board about an odor that comes out of the manhole on top of High Street that used to be abated by putting tablets in the tank at what used to be Johan Gedde’s house. 

            A discussion followed regarding Village taxes and a potential foreclosure.

A motion to approve the following bills of Abstract No. 1 was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried. 


            General Fund                Voucher No. 1-29        $33,075.27

            Water Fund                  Voucher No. 1-15        $  4,167.00

            Sewer Fund                  Voucher No. 1-18        $  3,631.10

            NYC Fund                   Voucher No. 1-19        $   4005.36


            A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus



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