
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                               JULY 16, 2018


            The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Trustee Amy Reinshagen.  Those present were Trustee Reinshagen, Trustees Kayla Mason and Gordy Key, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne and Kristina Zill of Transition Catskills.  A motion to approve the June Treasurer’s report was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Mason, with all in favor, carried.  A motion to approve the minutes of last month’s board meeting was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.          

            Superintendent Lucas McMullen reported to the Board that they rebuilt the sewer drain on Pine Street and have installed a few new cellular meters and moved some meter heads around up at Mallinckrodt.  He asked for approval for a culvert pipe replacement in front of Schoen’s house on River Street.  The cost would be a little less than $500.00.  The Board unanimously agreed to allow this purchase. 

            Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne reported to the Board that Lucas and Dan measured the manhole on High Street for her and she ordered an insert for it.  She stated Tim signed up to retake the 4A license certification test and Jake’s package to take the 1A license certification test has gone out and they are waiting for NYWEA approval.  Horne stated they are still having rag issues and Stamford Welding is making a prototype of a rag catcher to try.  Horne stated they changed out the strainer part of the micro filters and switched the UV units.  She stated Gregg Snyder of LVDV stopped in to introduce himself and they gave him a tour of the plant.  Mr. Snyder will be the new person taking care of the SK station and hopefully they have a good relationship started with him.  The press was pressure washed. 

            In regard to water and well capacity, Horne stated water usage can be more than what is produced especially in the summer.  The water tower holds 500,000 gallons.  She distributed a sheet to the Board members of different companies she has talked to regarding well digging.  She received information from Francois Vedier of Lamont Engineering for funding sources which were on a strict timeline.  She also said the Department of Health, Delaware River Basin Commission and Department of Environmental Conservation have guidelines that need to be followed.  Sheffield Well is a back-up in the event of an emergency.  One option would be to sell that water to SpecGX for their chillers.  SpecGX would want to sample the water to see what’s in it.  Horne also explained when digging a test well there are readings and a lot of data being taken and you can’t turn a test well into a production well unless it’s done right from the beginning.  The Board is open to having any of the companies come to talk to them as long as there is no fee for them to come. 

            Trustee Reinshagen continued the meeting with old business.  In regard to the Village property off of Reservoir Road, Trustee Reinshagen stated Mayor Kaufman noted that a few loggers say that the 50/50 split is normal.  Trustee Reinshagen stated she has been told that state foresters will assess a property for free so she will call one and see what he/she proposes.  The fowl in the Village was tabled.  In regard to a police officer Village Attorney Hubbard provided the Board with a hand out of information on a Constable which included job description and duties. A Constable is considered a peace officer and has to go through specific training and has to qualify through civil service.  In regard to the pavilion/park rental in August, the Church of Latter Day Saints made a notice for their event.  It was asked to have a courtesy letter distributed to the residents that reside around the park notifying them of this event.  The Board agreed this was a good idea. 

            Trustee Reinshagen continued the meeting with new business giving the floor to Kristina Zill of Transition Catskills.  Ms. Zill stated one of the 4 actions the Village could do was to have a community solarized participation event which she did get scheduled for August 7th at the community center.  She asked if the fee could be waived as it was a benefit for the Village.  The Board agreed to waive the fee.  Southern Tier Solar Works is the name of the company that will be hosting the event.  Ms. Zill had a hand out that she distributed to the Board. 

            Trustee Reinshagen opened the floor to community participation.  Trustee Key asked why the potential person for the police officer position was being kept a secret.  Discussion followed by the Board as to where they were at regarding the police officer position and it was determined it was an avenue that they were still looking into and not an absolute yes at this point.  The Board members agreed that more questions need to be asked during meetings. 

            A motion to approve the following bills on Abstract No. 2 was made by Trustee Mason, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen with all in favor, carried.


            General Fund                Voucher No. 30-56      $9429.17

            Water Fund                  Voucher No. 16-30      $4124.03

            Sewer Fund                  Voucher No. 19-34      $4441.48

            NYC Fund                   Voucher No. 20-36      $5268.29


            Clerk-Treasurer Estus asked the Board to approve a bill submitted by the Medical Director for the liability insurance for EMS.   The bill was dropped in the drop box with no percentage split.    Trustee Mason made a motion to approve the bill once the amount was determined, with a second from Trustee Reinshagen, with all in favor carried.

            A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. was made by Trustee Key with a second from Trustee Mason, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully Submitted,



Kellee J. Estus



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