
VILLAGE OF HOBART BOARD MEETING MINUTES                           AUGUST 15, 2016


          The regular meeting of the Village of Hobart Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:28 p.m. by Mayor Aaron Kaufman.  Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees David Hotaling, Jim Quarino and Gordy Key, Village Attorney John Hubbard, Clerk-Treasurer Kellee Estus, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen, Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer, Chief Operator of Waste Water Richi Horne, Andrew Flach, Henry Lamont, Mike Jonker and Don Dales.  (John Mahoney entered late.)  The Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report.  A motion to accept the report with the following change was made by Trustee Hotaling, second by Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  In the General Fund, transfer $1357.75 from 4540.2 to 3410.4.  A motion to accept the minutes of last month’s meeting was made by Trustee Key, second from Trustee Quarino with all in favor, carried. 

          Superintendent Lucas McMullen gave the water report to the Board.  He stated the tower is currently full, so hopefully the leak on Sheffield Lane was the culprit.  The shafts are here and Jake would like permission to have them installed and cleaned.  Mayor Kaufman said yes, go ahead.  Superintendent McMullen continued with his report stating that the crew has been working on storm drains, installing more cellular read meters and painted the handicapped parking lines at the Community Center.  He said they cleaned and serviced the broom attachment for the John Deere tractor, used it and would like to get new bristles for it.  Mayor Kaufman told McMullen to get a few quotes.

          Head of Waste Water Rich Reightmyer reported to the Board that the Mallinckrodt Sewer Use Permit was present for the meeting and ready for the Mayor to sign.  He also stated there was a USGS Agreement for the Mayor to sign and scope of work for additional lab testing as part of the Sewer Use Permit.  The total cost for one year of tests will be $10,080 which will be reimbursed to the Village by Mallinckrodt.  Village Attorney Hubbard looked over both the permit and the agreement and said they looked good.  Reightmyer also stated the aeration blower that was leaking will be replaced.  Mayor Kaufman asked Chief Operator Richi Horne if she had anything to add to the Waste Water report.  Horne stated new employee Tim Rausch in her opinion is a great addition for the Village.  She also asked Mayor Kaufman if he and the Board could confirm the scheduling for the Waste Water Plant employees.  Andrew Flach asked the Board if internet access could be made available to organizations using the Community Center for presentations.  Mayor Kaufman stated he didn’t see a problem with that.  Don Dales said the site plans for the sign is something that is still being looked into. 

          Mayor Kaufman gave the floor to Henry Lamont of Lamont Engineering and Mike Jonker of LVDV Operations.  Mike stated he wanted to thank the Village of Hobart for a longstanding relationship that was nearing 25 years.  He said LVDV Operations would stand ready to assist the Village at any time.  Henry stated the Village was his 3rd client and began with the design of the dams.  He said he is personally committed to the Village, if there is anything the Village needs, to give him a call. 

          Mayor Kaufman continued the meeting with old business.  He stated the Community Center project was scheduled for this week to begin. 

          In new business, Mayor Kaufman stated USDA Rural Development requires the Village to be LEP (Limited English Proficiency) compliant by September 14th.  This could mean asking the local Bassett or Foxcare offices if we could refer someone who comes in to the Village office and does not speak English to them for help in their language.  This will be looked into further.  In regard to outdoor fires, it has come to the Board’s attention that there is no Village ordinance or law regulating outdoor fires, there is only a NYS Fire Law.   Recently, a resident was burning big piles of green wood which caused complaints of neighboring residents.  The resident did stop burning so for now it will be tabled for further review.  In regard to the issues of the Pavilion, Activity Center and Park, Mayor Kaufman showed the Board and audience a “shank” or handmade knife that was made with scissors and band aids that was found in the reading room along with band aid backings all over the floor by the Village’s building maintenance employee Karl Ogborn.  This is not the first time things have been trashed in the reading room.  A sign has been placed on the door that the reading room will only be open from 8 a.m. to 12 noon because the activity seems to be happening after noon.  The pavilion bathroom has also been trashed numerous times with wood chips in the toilet and sink and floor, hand soap squirted on the walls and floor and toilet, and more recently, a pink Huffy girl’s bike was locked inside the bathroom.  Lights are continuously left on and the door is being locked when it shouldn’t be.  After discussion, the Board agreed to place a sign stating due to vandalism, the bathroom will be locked at 2:30 p.m. There have also been issues with the basketball court being left a mess with garbage all on the ground, clothes being left behind, etc. There are garbage cans there but they are not being used properly. 

          Mayor Kaufman opened the floor for community participation.  Andrew Flach questioned the possibility of hydroelectric power from the dam.  The dam was built for that, but there is not enough flow.

          A motion to accept the following bills on Abstract No. 3 was made by Trustee Key, with a second from Trustee Quarino, with all in favor, carried. 

General Fund           Voucher #s 71-99               $18,580.28

Water Fund              Voucher #s 36-44               $  3,674.86

Sewer Fund             Voucher #s 54-76               $13,645.08

NYC Fund                Voucher #s 53-75               $21,636.40

          A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. was made by Trustee Quarino, with a second from Trustee Key, with all in favor, carried.  Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,





Kellee J. Estus




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