December 4th 2023 Minutes

The regular board meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6.30pm. Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Deputy Mayor Amy Reinshagen, Trustees Jim Quarino, Kayla Mason, Randy Roe, Clerk/Treasurer Ann Barr and Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen. Community members in attendance where Cody Hager, Michelle Sacari and Christine Kaufman.

Mayor Kaufman proceeded with Department Head reports.

Lucas McMullen (Supt. Of DPW) presented his report stating that they rented a lift from Eklunds to put the Christmas lights up. All of the Lights are up and running only one isn’t working. He also mentioned all snow removal equipment was checked and serviced and is ready need be. Boyle has been working on replacing the fire hydrant and multiple valves which were leaking underground and had to be dug up. Lucas also brought to the attention of the board that we have two manholes leaking, one on pearl street and one on main street by the pillars. He suggested to have them repaired by Boyle excavating.

Mayor Kaufman stated that the fire hydrant system and water shut off valves were last done in 1983 and suggested we will be looking into getting funding in order to replace all of them. The board agreed and suggested we utilize our engineering company for such.


Chief Operator Richi Horne Head of Waste water was unable to attend tonight.

Mayor Kaufman quickly reviewed her written report for the board and no vital information was present.

Mayor Kaufman stated that there was no new business in front of the zoning board.

Mayor Kaufman stated that there was no new business in front of the Planning board.

Economic development/Business Alliance Don Thomases was not present but dropped off a letter thanking Lucas McMullen for hanging the Christmas lights around the village and asked if we could assist in hanging a banner. Subject was tabled as the type of banner and location of such was not clear. We will revisit at next meeting.

Fire department report – Josh Mason was not present with a report but Kayla mason spoke of issues at the fire department. She informed the Board that the 1812 fire truck is having pump problems and they are having issues priming the truck. The truck is currently out for repairs. It was further discussed the 1812 which is the villages front line truck is getting old and this truck has had many issues in the past. It’s anticipated that repairs for current issues will be costly. It was agreed to explore the possibilities of replacing 1812 with a new truck. Further discussion will be followed at the next meeting.

Mayor Kaufman asked for acceptance of the secretary / treasurer’s report from the board. A motion was made by Trustee Reinshagen, seconded Trustee Mason. Motion was carried.   AYES: Unanimous 

Mayor Kaufman asked for the Approval of the November minutes from the last meeting. A Motion was made by Trustee Quarino, Seconded by Trustee Mason. Motion was carried.  AYES: Unanimous


Old Business:

Water plant upgrade: Mayor Kaufman stated that there is nothing new to report. He is hoping that movement on the project will be after the first of the year.

Generator Project: Mayor Kaufman stated that there is nothing new to report. The village is still waiting on NYC to secure the necessary funding for such to take place.

Maple Ave culvert issue: Mayor Kaufman stated that there is nothing new to report. This issue will be tabled until we receive notification that a grant has be secured for such project and what the design plans for such will be.

EMS Recruitment: Mayor Kaufman stated that our partnership with Spec-GX and the village to start an EMT course is still moving forwards and will be started sometime January. We are still looking at about 20 people participating.

EMS Issues-Narcotics License: Mayor Kaufman stated that our narcotics license has been restored by the state, and that our ambulance was restored to full ALS status.

Community center upgrades: Trustee Reinshagen stated that there was nothing new to report. She reported that since the board made a decision to break the project into two phases (Phase 1 being the community center, bathrooms etc. and phase 2 being the kitchen) there has been a sudden lack of interest in members who were sitting on the committee. Mayor Kaufman suggested that the head committee chairperson should be a village resident, not someone from another town or organization. He also asked Trustee Reinshagen to try and set up another meeting with the committee. Christine Kaufman volunteered to sit on committee with Trustee Reinshagen.

Maple Ave bridge issue. Mayor Kaufman stated that there was nothing new to report. This issue will be tabled until we receive notification from Ben Dates that a grant has been secured for such project and what the design plans for such will be.

Expansion of the fitness room: Trustee Quarino reported that the siding was done and the next step would be to sheetrock the inside. After this is complete heaters will need to be installed and removal of wall and flooring will be next.

Solar liberty: Mayor Kaufman reported that we are still waiting on the systems to be repaired and they are still not functioning. He also reported That solar liberty continues to drop the ball on this matter and that communication on there end is very limited. The village board once again has agreed to make no payments to solar liberty until the matter is resolved.

HAC Rentals: Mayor Kaufman stated that there is still rental space available at HAC.

Heating system for HAC gym: Trustee Roe stated that he is working on estimates from a couple local contractors and will have them for the next meeting

New Business:

Ambulance Billing service: Mayor Kaufman stated that they are working on the paperwork to get it started to begin the process.

Truck Purchase: Mayor Kaufman stated that the truck purchase for a used village truck is complete and the truck is now in our possession.

Two-week payroll: Mayor Kaufman presented to the board the idea of moving payroll to bi-weekly instead of weekly. He stated that this system will be much more cost effective for the village and will also save money with regards to man hours to complete such task. It was agreed upon by the board to move forward with Bi-weekly payroll starting sometime January.

State Route 10: Mayor Kaufman stated that he spoke to the new regional supervisor of DOT for our area with regards to Route 10. He reported that he was told Route 10 was scheduled for re-pavement in 2025.

Floor open for community participation: No community members participated.


Motion to go in Executive session: Mayor Kaufman asked for a motion to go into executive session. A motion was made by Trustee Reinshagen, Seconded by Trustee Mason. A motion was carried. AYES: Unanimous

A motion to pay the bills was made by Trustee Mason Seconded by Trustee Reinshagen. Motion carried. AYES: Unanimous

General Fund             Voucher No. $86,053.20

Water Fund                Voucher No. $9,551.66

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. $9,434.91

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. $30,657.92

Trustee Kayla Mason made motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Trustee Roe. Motion carried. AYES: Unanimous

 Meeting called to adjourn at 8:00pm


Respectfully Submitted

                                                Ann Barr
