September 18th 2023 Minutes

The regular board meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6.30pm. Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Deputy Mayor Amy Reinshagen, Trustees Jim Quarino, Kayla Mason, Randy Roe, Clerk/Treasurer Ann Barr, Superintendent of DPW Lucas McMullen and Chief Operator of Waste Water Treatment Plant Richi Horne. Community members in attendance where Christine Kaufman, Daisy McMullen, Cody Hager, Darlene Kelly, Merrill Hillis, Steve Coster, Lisa Coster, Margaret Evans.

Mayor Kaufman proceeded with Department Head reports.

Lucas McMullen (Supt. Of DPW) presented his report stating that the village crew has been hard of work trying to keep up with projects as they battle the weather. He stated that the lawncare of the village property has been extremely time consuming this year with the rain and the growth of the grass not slowing down. He also reported that the Water Plant continues to have issues on an almost daily bases as we continue to battle the deteriorating and outdated components of the plant. He spoke about a pressure sensor being replaced on a sand filter in hopes that it would fix the problem of the system continuously back washing. Replacement of such sensor did not fix the problem. He will be proceeding to call someone in to investigate the problem. Such filter is currently off line and system is operating utilizing the remaining two filters. The DPW crew sealed all the road cracks on River Street and started the same for Maple Ave. They are also preparing for leaf season and are going to schedule Fire Hydrant Flushing in the near future. This led to a discussion about fire hydrants. Mayor Kaufman stated that Josh Mason (Fire Dept. Chief) contacted him about issues with two fire hydrants at the end of town on Route 10, with regards to several caps not being able to be accessed.  Kayla Mason mentioned it could become a problem if there is a fire and you cannot get the caps off questioning if the hydrants should be flushed more than once a year or at least the valves exercised more. The board decided to have the hydrants remain on a once-a-year flushing schedule due to the amount of water that is wasted during such process but agreed to also have the DPW crew grease and exercise all values and caps on all hydrants twice a year.

Chief Operator Richi Horne stated that the Waste Water Treatment Plant has been operating smoothly. She stated that the heating system furnace was serviced, a new circulator was installed and two replacement pumps installed. She continued with informing the Board that Slave Modules had the air drier for the press air compressor serviced in the NYC side of the plant but are old and ready to be replaced. She is in the process of ordering them and hopes to have all the parts by October at which time they will be replaced. This is a costly project; however, it’s covered 100% by NYC. Also reported that her contact with Solar Liberty continues to tell us that supply chain issues continue to be the delay of having our Solar panels being repaired. She also stated that DEP did a surprise inspection of the plant and were very pleased. No issues were found. Richi will be attending the National Rural Water Conference in Colorado next week and hopes to bring back some new ideas for the Village.


 There was no report from the Economic development Committee as Don Thomases was not present.

Mayor Kaufman stated that there was no new business in front of the Zoning board:

Mayor Kaufman stated that there was no new business in front of the Planning board:

Mayor Kaufman asked for acceptance of the secretary / treasurer’s report from the board. A motion was made by Trustee Reinshagen, seconded by Trustee Mason. Motion was carried.   AYES: Unanimous 

Mayor Kaufman asked for the Approval of the August minutes from the last meeting. A Motion was made by Trustee Quarino, Seconded by Trustee Mason. Motion was carried.  AYES: Unanimous

The meeting moved onto Old Business with the following items being discussed.

-        Water Plant Upgrade Project: Mayor Kaufman reported that he has been in contact with the Engineer from LaBerge and that they are continuing to gather information required to move forward with project. They are gathering reports and data and are in touch with DOH on several issues That have requested that we collect water samples from each of our production wells and to have them tested for several items that will help them with their data collecting. He also asked of the Village to move forward with obtaining the Easements of the three properties that Boarder the Water plant that prevents us from owning the required 200-foot radius around the new Test well that was drilled. Mayor Kaufman explained that we must maintain/own a 200-foot radius around such well, or must obtain an easement from the property owners stating they will not build on area in question. The three property owners in question are Brinkerhoff, Barr, and Key. He also explained that if such cant be obtained, then we would have to pursue the avenue of obtaining a waiver from the DOH. A discussion on removing the screen at the bottom of the test well on the recommendation of the engineer was also discussed.

-        Generator Project: Mayor Kaufman reported that the last update he received from NYC DEP was that unfortunately, the capital replacement contract needed for the generator is still in review, and that they are doing everything they can to push it through as quickly as possible, but it is taking longer than they anticipated.

-        Maple Ave Culvert Issue: Mayor Kaufman reported that he had no new updates on the project. He reiterated to the public in attendance that the project funding that the Village secured several years ago to completely cover the cost of the project, including stone wall and bank restoration of the four property owners was off the table due to a property owner who refuses to be a part of the project or to consent to the project moving forward. Questions were asked by the public in attendance. Mayor Kaufman stated to them that the culvert is in a failing state and it is no longer a question of if it will fail, but when. He explained to the public that the home owners in question did not want to agree with the project moving forward and the Village has no choice but to pursue other avenues. He explained that the Village has both the right and an obligation to protect its infrastructure. He explained that water and sewer lines cross over that culvert and failure of such culvert would be detrimental to the Village and its residents in whole. He stated that the Village has applied for a grant with DEC and it looks promising, as they are concerned with protecting the streams/water. This new grant will be different then the last one we obtained as it will focus primarily on replacing the culvert with a properly sized one and protecting the infrastructure of the Village. Mayor Kaufman said it was a shame that the original project did not go through as it was a win/win for all involved. Trustee Quarino raised the question if we still needed to consider closing the road until this was fixed. Mayor Kaufman said he would contact the County and ask one of their Engineers to come up and look at the culvert and give us their opinion.

-        Maple Ave Bridge - Mayor Kaufman reported that the Village was still working with Ben Dates to find funding for the replacement of the stone cages that line the stream banks around the dams and bridge on Maple Ave. Stone Cages are failing and need to be replaced.

-        EMS Recruitment Mayor Kaufman reported that the EMS recruitment plan that is to be collaborated with SpecGx is moving forward. A zoom meeting was held last week between all parties involved and it looks like we have 20 candidates looking to participate.

-        Expansion of Fitness Center: Trustee Quarino updated the Board on the progress of the project. John Dropp and Trustee Quarino have volunteered their time and have been working on the project and have completed the floor, walls, windows and Emergency exit door. They are currently waiting on electric to be completed.

The Meeting moved onto New Business with the following being discussed.

-        HAC Rental Space: Mayor Kaufman reported that the HAC has plenty of space for rent and with Delaware County ARC no longer renting space that it was imperative to find new renters in order to continue to have money in the budget to maintain the building. It was suggested from the Public about contacting the County about advertising.

-        New Weekend Procedures Mayor Kaufman reported that he implemented a new procedure on weekends for employees who are on duty to check all village buildings to insure there are no issues or problems.

-        Street Sealing A discussion was had with regards of spraying/sealing River Street as a test project to see how it holds up for the winter. It was agreed upon by the board to proceed with such.

-        Sidewalks A discussion was had and the board agreed to start a plan that would replace sidewalks throughout the Village.

-        EMS NARCOTICS LICENSE: Mayor Kaufman informed the board that an issue has arised were our narcotics license has lapsed due to a paperwork area and that our narcotics and drug box had to be removed from our ambulances until our license is re-instated by the State. Our ambulances are currently running under BLS status until then.

-        Playground Equipment The village received notification of missing bolts on some of the playground equipment. Lucas McMullen and Mayor Kaufman went up to the playground, identified the problems and temporary bolts were put in the areas in question until the proper allen screws could be obtained.

-        Pickleball League: A discussion of a pickleball league this winter being held in the Gym at the HAC was discussed as an interest seems to be high.

-        Heat in Gym: A discussion was held with regards to replacing the heating units in the gym. Currently three out of the four units no longer work. Propane vs. Electric was discussed and Trustee Roe will be looking into both for the next meeting.

-        Community Center Upgrades: Trustee Reinshagen reported that the committee met and they are in the beginning stages. Kitchen, general space, bathrooms, chairs, and tables are all on the agenda.

-        Solar Liberty: Mayor Kaufman informed the board that the solar systems in three out of the four locations are still not functioning and have been this way for almost a year. He reminded the board that we agreed not to pay Solar Liberty their monthly invoices until systems were up and running and wanted clarification that the board wanted to continue with such. All board members agreed to hold payments until systems were functioning again.

Mayor Kaufman opened the floor for Community Participation.

A lengthy discussion was brought up by all the community members present at the meeting. Concerns about a male individual who has been going from door to door asking people for money. Many comments made that this Individual is rather large, intimidating and threatening when he approaches. Community members expressed their concerns about their safety when they are approached and said he will not leave when asked. Many residents said they experienced him returning over and over. Trustee Reinshagen stated that he has been kicked out of Hobart Hardware numerous times for the same actions. Mayor Kaufman explained that this is something that the village has no control over. He said he has spoken with Sherriff Dumond with regards to this issue, and the advice of the sheriff was to call 911 for each and every incident. This is what he needs to hopefully be able to address this issue. The conversation continued of this individual stealing packages off porches, harassing local businesses, the local post office and threatening phone calls.

Concerns were also brought up about a young female who lives in the apartments by the firehouse. Residents and village employees alike stated that she roller blades down the middle of the road and will not move for cars. Statements were made that she will get right in the way of on coming traffic and then flips off the drivers. It was suggested by the board to call 911 when such incidents occur.

Community discussion continued with concerns with a group of male individuals who have been harassing the youth of our community. Trustee Quarino stepped down from sitting with the board and entered the community and explained how these individuals have been going up the HAC field and harassing the children of our community who gather there to play. He told of an incident that occurred were these individuals were up on the field and were making inappropriate sexually related comments to the young girls and that his daughter called him in tears. Parents stated their kids have come home and said some had knives.  Some community members believe that there is about 20 of them living in an apartment across from the post office. It was suggested that Code Enforcement be contacted to look into an occupancy issue. Parents that were present said they are keeping their kids away from the HAC and the rail trails for now.

A resident brought up a concern about an older individual who has been sitting at the picnic tables watching the kids play. Parents voiced a concern that the kids say “He is very nice to them” but when an adult arrives, this individual runs away and sometimes attempts to hide in the dugout. Residents feel this is raising many red flags.

              Trustee Quarino brought up putting back on the agenda of the next meeting about hiring a   Village Police officer. His suggestion was highly supported by all present. Mayor Kaufman said he would add it to the next meeting.


A motion to pay the bills was made by Trustee Mason, Seconded by Trustee Reinshagen. Motion carried. AYES: Unanimous

General Fund              Voucher No. 461-490   $ 30,901.13

Water Fund                 Voucher No. 211-227   $ 50,545.11

Sewer Fund                 Voucher No. 266-284   $ 9180.00

NYC Fund                  Voucher No. 305-321   $16,773.73

Trustee Kayla Mason made motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Trustee Roe. Motion carried. AYES: Unanimous

 Meeting called to adjourn at 8:25pm

                                         Respectfully Submitted

                                                Ann Barr
