The regular board meeting was called to order by Mayor Aaron Kaufman at 6.30pm. Those present were Mayor Kaufman, Trustees Kayla Mason and Amy Reinshagen.

Department head reports: Solar liberty is still not working except for the sewer side (reinstall converter)

Economic development: Don Thomases spoke about the book fair this last weekend. Over 100 people came where there were art shows, workshops and reading sessions. People stayed locally at Air BNB’s where they walked around the village and talked of how much they enjoyed it (it was a great turn out!).

Historic sign project is in motion through the Hobart community trust and possible donation from Mallinckrodt where we expect to have the signs up by September.

The field sign dedicated to Sal Mirabito for their generous donation to the little league field went up and last week Joe Mirabito came to the game and threw the first ball with honor. (It was another great turn out).

Talk about the coffee pot signs in the village parking lot confuses people to thinking they can’t park there and there’s already a hard time for finding parking in the village. There is a sign up that says village parking but it was discussed to put up another sign that states Village parking for all businesses 2hr parking. It was also discussed that the propane tanks are unsafe in the parking lot and illegal to be outside a window. Code officer Tom little is being notified to look into it.

No zoning or planning board news.

Fire department: Last discussion had about shared a truck with the rural district was decided to have them buy the truck on their own. Mayor Aaron all in favor, Amy Reinshagen second.

Old business: Still working on water plant upgrade and making progress moving forward.

Generator project: Still waiting for funding on their end, still no progress, still on hold.

Maple Ave culvert issue: Adams asked the board why the project was being delayed and who were the property owners for the delay. The following was explained that there was a meeting attended with Mayor Aaron Kaufman, Stephan Wright, Jessica Wright, and Ben Dates. Stephan and Jessica Wright came to the conclusion that they still will not allow the project to move forward because it will take a small piece of their property from them. We have a $400,000 Grant with a 100year flood plan where the project it completely paid for and next week on the 28th of June 2023 the grant is going to be taken back from us if is not used. Unfortunately, there is major problems with this culvert where it is failing and when it completely fails the village is going to have to pay to replace it out of our village money without the grant. Also, If this culvert gives out it will cause sewer and water issues in the village. This issue was further discussed amongst people on the community floor about the wrights not complying due to their property line.

EMS recruitment: Mallinckrodt has 20 employees already signed up to aid in local Ems calls. As of now it is still being looked into on how to get a class started and signed mutual aid agreements with Hobart.

Ball field: was already discussed earlier during the meeting.

Maple Ave bridge issues: The stones are caving in and falling out. Ben Dates said there was rock cages completely missing and we are starting to look into funding to fix this issue. It was just brought to our attention that the bridge is actually 3ft short of being considered a bridge it is considered to be a culvert. The village is hoping to start getting funding in 2024. Discussion was further had about inquiring if Mallinckrodt would be interested in funding being they use a majority of the water.

New business- HAC rental ideas for advertisement. Options of using fb group pages and word of mouth to whom anyone is interested in renting at the building. Talk of setting up pickleball possibly on the basketball courts outside and consider starting leagues being it has become a growing popular sport today. Mayor Aaron Kaufman Brings up the project discussed last meeting to extend the gym. Mayor Aaron Kaufman puts in motion the project and materials to be ordered.

Amy Reinshagen agrees to stay Deputy Mayor.

Discussion of water and sewer rates were discussed to keep the minimum rate and discounted rate for senior citizens but t increase the price rate for over so many gallons used. All in favor.

Lawyer for the village is still needed. At this time, we do not have a lawyer still and Andy Vanbueren asked for $6000.00 to do it. Everyone agreed we can make due for now without that high expense We have NYCOM and if we need a lawyer, we can hire one at the time.

Community center issue- John Adams joined us at the meeting tonight to bring up getting donations to invest in new furnisher. Maybe vinal chairs would be better being the fabric gets cleaned and destroyed very quickly due to excessive use when community center is rented out to the public. If we take out for a donation possible from O’Conner foundation and we start this project it was discussed that in only makes sense to update other parts of the community center in need for example kitchen cabinets, utensil draws and the bathrooms.

Trustee Kayla Martin Brought up investing in a flag pole for the back of the property with a light. She offered to pick one up and have the fire depart help set it up. (The answer was yes)

Meeting called to adjourn at 8:00pm


Respectfully Submitted

Clerk-Treasurer Ann Barr